Suggested layouts and the most beautiful 11/20 wall newspaper templates

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Gợi ý bố cục và các mẫu báo tường 20/11 đẹp nhất


The 11/20 wall newspaper is a 11/20 painting activity to decorate the classroom wall. Students will work together to write poems and messages mainly about teachers and the school on large pieces of paper. Wall articles will often be conceptualized, designed, and arranged by students in a way that reflects the spirit of the creator but is not confusing. Wall newspaper products are made entirely by hand, bringing profound meaning to both the students and the teachers receiving the messages.

Once completed, the wall articles will be hung up for teachers to grade and select the best wall articles. However, whether they win an award or not, the wall article still meets the main goal of journalism activities, which is to convey gratitude to teachers.

Basic layout of the 11/20 wall newspaper

Wall newspapers have many topics and depending on the creativity and color coordination ability of the students, they produce the most beautiful finished products. However, to ensure your November 20 wall article is not cliché and gets a high score, the article should include the following 3 basic items:

Title/name of wall newspaper

The title is considered the most important content, both the main message and the spirit of the entire wall article, from decoration to color. The title of the wall newspaper should be placed in the most prominent position with a large font size at the top of the page, used to represent the topic of the entire newspaper. Title writing is often done in a liberal style rather than using rigid typefaces.

Wall newspaper headlines need to be short, concise and related to Vietnamese Teachers' Day. Mykingdom will suggest you some wall newspaper headlines for your reference such as gratitude to teachers, nursery, boatman, respectful teacher, sail of knowledge, giving wings to dreams, gratitude to teachers, being letter to teacher, miss school...

The title "boatman" for wall newspapers is very popular

main content

This is the part that requires the most time investment from students. A November 20 wall newspaper will need an introduction (also known as an introduction) and of course this content must be linked to the title above. When the title and introduction are consistent in content, your wall newspaper will create a highlight in the eyes of the judges and receive a high score corresponding to the effort spent.

In addition to introductions, the wall newspaper also has content such as prose, quizzes, poetry, songs, stories, etc. about teachers that students collect or compose themselves. Depending on the area of ​​the wall newspaper, you can choose and arrange the layout with short lengths in different positions.

The wall newspaper should have enough content to create a highlight


This section will record the students' loving messages to their teachers such as gratitude, appreciation or recalling beautiful memories...

20 beautiful and meaningful November 20 wall newspaper designs

Vietnamese Teachers' Day is coming and you want to join everyone in creating the most meaningful and excellent wall newspapers. However, you still have not decided on the theme or main color for this year's November 20 wall newspaper . Don't worry, Mykingdom has selected and brought you the best wall newspaper samples for your reference.

Teachers are the ones who teach and give wings to students' dreams

Teachers and aunts are the ones who nurture the seeds of knowledge

The children's dreams can fly high and far thanks to the wholehearted support of their teachers

The sail is named after the dream of being full of wind and sailing out to sea thanks to the nurturing of teachers

If knowledge is a sail, then teachers are the ones who set the sail for us to sail

Teachers are always called by the children with the loving name "the person who steers the boat of knowledge".

On November 20, students expressed gratitude to their teachers with bouquets of fresh flowers on the wall newspaper

The painting of the 11/20 boatman of knowledge is beautifully illustrated on the classroom wall newspaper

No matter where they go in the future, students will always remember the source of knowledge

Painting a wall newspaper on November 20 to pay tribute to those who have always worked hard and taught many generations

The silly drawings on the November 20 wall newspaper about teachers are filled with the thoughts and feelings of students.

In order for students to spread their wings and fly, the support of teachers is indispensable

Teachers are the bright torches that illuminate every step I take

No matter how much time passes, we will always remember our beloved teachers

The open words and things that I wanted to share but found it difficult to put into words have now been marked on the wall newspaper as a gift to the teacher

For example, teachers are ancient trees, always strong and spreading their branches to create young generations full of vitality

Send your teacher a letter on November 20 on the class wall newspaper

Teachers are the ones who sow seeds, so those seeds become talented and excellent students

The boat rowed by the teacher will take the children to the shore of knowledge

Warmly celebrate Vietnamese Teachers' Day with meaningful 11/20 wall newspaper poems

November 20 wall articles are often used to honor and pay tribute to teachers who have continuously contributed to the development of education and the country. Therefore, students always put a lot of effort into making wall newspapers. The 11/20 wall newspaper includes articles and messages sent to teachers that are not only used to participate in wall newspaper activities, but are also meaningful memories that cannot be erased in a lifetime for education and training. young generation of teachers.