Instructions on how to play billionaire chess with high-end electronic banking

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Hướng dẫn cách chơi cờ tỷ phú ngân hàng điện tử cao cấp


In addition to the basic Monopoly , the Monopoly brand also launches many other interesting versions. Among them, the high-end electronic banking billionaire flag or Ultimate Banking billionaire flag is loved by many fans.

In this version, the details and rules of the game are upgraded, suitable for children aged 8 and up to freely explore and think to win the game. Join Mykingdom to learn more about how to play billionaire chess with high-end electronic banking - Ultimate Banking in the following article.

What is the premium e-banking billionaire flag?

Monopoly Ultimate Banking or Monopoly Ultimate Banking is a billionaire chess toy set integrated with modern technology. With the card acting as a bank in the game, all calculations and all transactions of the player are processed quickly and conveniently.

This set of games is both entertaining and intellectual, requiring players to know how to calculate and reason more to win. Thanks to that, children have hours of fun, stimulate their brains, learn spending skills and enhance interaction with friends and relatives.

What does a high-end electronic banking billionaire chess set include?

High-end electronic banking billionaire flag Monopoly product set B6677/B6677 includes:

- 1 board game table.

- 1 mini electronic bank.

- 4 security cards.

- 22 houses.

- 49 game cards, which include: 4 bank ATM cards, 22 Title Deed cards, 23 event cards.

- 2 dice.

- 1 instruction sheet on how to play.

The goal of high-end electronic banking billionaire flag

Similar to the basic Monopoly board game, the goal of Monopoly Banking players is to become the richest person. That means players must accumulate a lot of assets and use money in the most effective way.

Victory conditions

The premium e-banking Monopoly board game ends when one player goes bankrupt. The winner is the person who owns the most money and property. The Bank Calculator will automatically calculate all players' ending positions, using the total value of their money and assets (at purchase price).

If a player goes bankrupt before another player, any debts that player does not pay will be compensated by the Bank and included in the final total assets.

New features of high-end electronic banking billionaire flag


In the basic way of playing Monopoly, you have to wait until you own properties of the same color before you can build a house. As for playing Monopoly with high-end electronic banking, for each asset you can buy a house immediately. You can place the house on square number 1 in the color range of the cell. This represents the current rental rate.

When other players set foot in your house, they have to pay you rent and the house's rent is also increased. If you land on your house, then the rent of the house also goes up a notch.

Move your house every time your rent goes up or down. You can only have one house per property.

The maximum rent level is 5, the rent cannot fall below 1. Unless a property is returned to the Bank to repay debt, at which point the property becomes anonymous and the rent level is reset.

Title Deed Tag

Each property has a Title Deed tag showing the year of rental value.

How to use the Title Deed card: If you don't keep track of your rent, you can check the rent on any property you own.

- Place the Title Deed card into the computer.

- Press the x button, otherwise the computer will think you want to buy it or pay rent.

- The computer will automatically return to the default screen after 10 seconds if you have not pressed the x button.

Game board

This game board no longer has the Opportunity or Fortune boxes, instead there are Event and Location boxes.

- Event Box: Means the Event card, which can reduce or increase the rent, give or receive money, or cause you to be sent to Jail.

- Location Tiles: Allows you to pay and move to any property tile on the game board. Then you can buy or upgrade the rental level.

There are no in-game transactions, these tiles will help you collect color sets.


How to play high-end electronic banking Monopoly without money appears. Instead the bank calculator makes everything quick and easy with cards:

- Bank Card: Allows the Computer to track your assets (money and assets).

- Title Deed Tag: Allows the Calculator to track the properties you own and all their rent levels.

- Event Tag: Allows the Computer to monitor what is going on.

Each card when inserted into the Computer makes a sound. If you don't hear a sound, it means it's not being used properly.

How to use the card and Calculator

- Place the card with the barcode side down on the card reader.

- Make sure the card completely covers the card reader.

- The computer will play a sound after each function performed. If you don't hear the sound, put the card back on the card reader.

How to set up before playing Monopoly with high-end electronic banking

- Place the Event cards face down on the Game Board.

- Divide the Title Deed cards by color.

- Divide houses according to Title Deed tags.

- Give each player: 1 representative token and its appropriate Bank card.

- Place all representative tokens in the GO box on the Game Board.

- Place the Banking Calculator in the middle of the table.

- Each player taps their Bank card on the Computer board.

- When ready to play, press the "tick" button. M1500 - Monololy coins will be automatically credited to your card.

How to play a game of high-end e-banking billionaire chess

Players take turns rolling the dice. Whoever has the highest dice score will go first. On each turn, the player will perform the following actions:

- Roll down your two dice.

- Move your representative Token according to the number you just rolled

- When moving to any cell on the game board, you check to see what type of cell it is and take the action corresponding to that cell.

Note: If you roll the dice and get 2 identical faces, you are entitled to play 2 times in a row. But if your dice rolls 3 times with 2 identical faces in a row, then you have to go to jail.

- When your turn ends, it's the turn of the person on your left to do the same.

Above is information shared on how to play Monopoly chess with high-end electronic banking. Parents, please quickly own it so that your baby and the whole family can have hours of fun, dramatic and intellectual play. To refer to and choose from many versions of Monopoly for children, parents should visit Mykingdom's website at: .