Things children can do themselves even when they are under 12 years old

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Việc trẻ có thể tự làm ngay cả khi con chưa đến 12 tuổi


There are many things children can do on their own from an early age, parents should also encourage these actions so that their children become more independent and opinionated. Accomplishing things on their own also nurtures children's confidence, helping them stay happy and strong when facing bigger challenges when they become adults.

Things children can do themselves: clean their own room

Children love to explore, they want to try everything themselves. Parents can take this time to guide their children in things they can do on their own, such as cleaning up their own toys or cleaning their own room. If children do not do it right, parents can guide and correct them right now. To encourage children to be more independent at this stage, parents should proactively teach their children how to clean up, praise them when they do well, and do not complain when they unfortunately do wrong. Children will learn how to be responsible for their own space, thereby forming a neat and clean lifestyle.

Children can completely help their parents clean up from an early age

Cleaning the room also builds children's confidence, they will feel like they can complete a task on their own without needing their parents' help. Involving children in housework also limits loss of control and anger because they feel they do not receive attention from their parents.

Children can eat on their own and have the right to stop when they feel full

In addition to doing housework, what children can do on their own at this age is eating by themselves. From the time their children are only 1 year old, parents can guide them to take food with their hands. Then switch to using simple tableware for your child to practice fine motor skills with movements such as scooping food, putting rice in his mouth, eating soup...

Parents should not force their children to eat according to portions, but let them choose the food they like. Children can decide their own diet and know when they are full. What parents need to do is prepare nutritious dishes according to their children's needs and stages of development. This way, your child will feel more excited each time it's time to eat. However, it is very simple for children to do it themselves. Parents also need to teach their children civilized, healthy eating habits and not to be picky eaters.

Children can know whether they are full or not, parents should not force their children to eat

Train your child to sleep in a separate room

When parents let their children sleep in the same bed, it can foster family affection, but it also makes their children dependent, lose their independence, and become vulnerable. According to psychologists, children as young as 5 years old can separate their rooms to sleep separately. At first, the child will probably cry uncontrollably and unbearably, but gradually the child will get used to it and even become much stronger. Having a separate bedroom also gives your child a sense of private space.

To train children to sleep alone, parents should first decorate the bedroom in a cozy way to create a feeling of safety and comfort for the child. The bedroom should have toys that the child likes, be it adorable teddy bears, powerful superheroes or decorations that the whole family made together. Parents can tell evening stories to their babies and comfort them so they can get used to the new room. Don't forget to tell your children that their parents are always by their side. If there's anything important, they can call their parents to help them feel less stressed.

Children can play on their own and learn safe limits

Children love to play and explore, and they can do a lot on their own, like turning a simple object into a brand new playmate. However, many parents worry that their children will be injured or scratched when playing alone. Actually, young children do not need to be protected as much as we often think. What parents should do is create a suitable environment, buy toys that are beneficial for their children's development and let them play and explore on their own.

Playing on your own is also one of the things children can do on their own

Children are inherently forgetful. If they don't experience it themselves, they won't know that falling will hurt, throwing toys will break... Parents should give their children space to do everything themselves. Children can orient their future and be less uncertain when making decisions if they are independent from a young age.

Experiences from free play are of great significance to children's intellectual and emotional growth, in addition, diverse, inspiring games outdoors, in open natural spaces It also helps children develop strong creative thinking, problem solving ability, critical thinking, teamwork ability...

In short, children can do a lot on their own , as long as parents give them the opportunity to develop. Children will learn many skills and practice problem-solving abilities when away from their parents' protection. Children who are trained to be independent from a young age also have more stable emotions, which will not cause them to miss out on opportunities in both study and work.