3 valuable lessons you should teach your children before going to kindergarten

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
3 bài học quý giá nên dạy con trước khi đi học mẫu giáo


Kindergarten is a turning point for a child when he leaves the arms of his family to enter a completely new environment. Therefore, the more carefully a mother prepares, the easier it will be for her children to go to kindergarten. This article will share 3 lessons that your child should know before going to kindergarten so that they can more easily integrate and make friends.

Teach children how to share before going to kindergarten

Why must we teach children to share?

Young children are very possessive about the things they like, so parents should teach their children how to share so they don't act too aggressively when their friends touch their things. Teaching children good qualities right from the beginning is the correct way to love them, because only then will they grow up strong both physically and mentally.

Sharing will help children play together more happily

In order for children to quickly get used to the new environment, parents need to teach their children how to share food and play with friends before going to kindergarten . No child likes a child who keeps holding on to his things and doesn't want anyone to play with him, right?

Benefits when children know how to share with friends

- Sharing helps children develop social skills and learn how to interact and communicate with others in a positive way.

- Help your child learn how to cooperate and work in groups to achieve common goals.

- Help children realize the meaning and importance of helping and sharing with others, from which they will have a compassionate heart.

- When you share, you will receive advice from others and vice versa. Children will also easily open up about problems at school with their parents when they know how to express their thoughts.

Teach children to say hello when meeting familiar people

“A greeting is higher than a meal” - the first greeting will make the other person feel more sympathetic. Parents should teach their children to greet people before going to kindergarten . Once your child has the habit of greeting, he or she will overcome shyness and self-consciousness when facing others. Furthermore, greeting not only shows that your child is an obedient, well-educated child, but also teaches him/her to be proactive and confident when getting to know others.

When children proactively greet others, they will develop social skills such as how to communicate and interact with others politely. Proactively greeting people also helps children narrow the distance between people, and they will feel more confident and comfortable when communicating with others.

Greeting is an essential skill to create sympathy with people

It doesn't stop there, "Hello!" “Hello, teacher!”... will help your child easily get to know teachers and new friends at kindergarten, so they will quickly find friends and no longer be afraid of going to school. Teaching your children to say hello before kindergarten will create a positive learning environment where students happily play with each other.

Teach children not to rummage through other people's things

When children are young, they do not have the concept of privacy or personal belongings. Therefore, I often take other people's things without permission. If parents only see this as a result of their child's curiosity and do not discipline them early on, there will be many consequences later on.

Parents letting their children rummage through things will make them unable to distinguish the difference in relationships between themselves and others from an early age. Children will also become angry and irritable when others prevent them from touching their things. To stop this bad habit before going to kindergarten , parents should slowly guide through asking questions: "Is this your thing?" Otherwise, why are you rummaging through things?” or “Did you ask my permission before opening the bag? Now I'm going to go get things from your room, will you agree?" Children will not be able to understand immediately, parents need to patiently teach their children many times to create a new, better habit.

Teach children not to arbitrarily rummage through other people's belongings

Teaching children not to arbitrarily rummage through other people's belongings before going to kindergarten will help them avoid unnecessary conflicts with classmates. Children will understand that each person has the right to privacy and should be respected. In addition, children also learn how to communicate and other social skills when they recognize the differences between people. When children understand that each person's private property is inviolable, they will be conscious of protecting their own privacy and avoiding causing trouble and inconvenience to others.

Indeed, before going to kindergarten, children need to learn many things to be able to adapt to a strange environment without their parents around. However, we believe that by simply teaching your children the above 3 lessons early, they can quickly integrate into the new environment. Children will not cry when they have to leave their parents and can make more friends. Parents can refer to many other parenting tips in the Handbook .