Benefits when children come into contact with art at preschool age

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
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What are the benefits of children exposed to art at preschool age ? What activities does art include? All will be answered in the article below.

What do artistic activities include?

Art includes active actions such as painting, painting, singing, dancing, photography and other activities. The common point is that they all require imagination, creativity and planning ability. Children exposed to art at preschool age will have richer thoughts and emotions.

Art can be considered an activity that all children aim for. In art, there is freedom for children to explore and express their inner thoughts. Children are inherently curious and love new things, so parents only need to give a little guidance and their children will spend hours. engrossed in artistic activities.

Children who are inherently creative will absolutely love exploring art

Reasons why children should be exposed to art at preschool age

Exposure to art during preschool is extremely important because it brings many benefits to children's comprehensive development:

1. Encourage creativity

Children exposed to art at preschool age can develop their creativity and desire to learn about the world around them. Parents can through activities such as painting, clay modeling, and jigsaw puzzles to encourage children to freely express their own thoughts and ideas.

2. Improve visual thinking skills

Art subjects that need to use images and colors will help children develop and improve their symbolic thinking. Through color mixing, drawing, and assembling , you will learn how to imagine and apply your thoughts into reality.

Assembling is also a very popular art subject today

3. Help children express their emotions

Children exposed to art at preschool age can express their thoughts and feelings not through words but through paintings or clay works. This helps children express what they want and increase their understanding of themselves.

4. Develop descriptive thinking

Descriptive thinking is highly developed when children are exposed to art from an early age, they will be encouraged to describe what they want to create and then later they will learn how to use language and vocabulary to describe. Describe the colors and shapes of different objects. Once you have learned the description skills, your child's communication and thinking skills will also gradually improve.

5. Bring the richness and beauty of the surrounding world to children

The arts were formed from many countries, so they always carry within themselves the beauty of each country's culture. For example, when your child learns to play the piano or erhu, he will understand more about the traditions in each type of musical instrument, and feel the differences in artistic elements of different countries. Through that, your child's knowledge will also become rich.

Musical instruments will help children gain new knowledge about culture

6. Improve concentration and reflexes

To master an art activity, children need high concentration. During the process of putting together a picture, drawing, learning the piano,... your child will learn reflexes and patience. Therefore, being exposed to art at a preschool age will help you be calm and forgiving in the face of difficult situations that suddenly arise.

7. Motor skills

There are a number of art subjects that require children to engage in continuous hand and foot activities such as dancesport, dancing, dancing... These activities will increase the amount of movement as well as help children complete fine motor skills through which they will soon be able to Independently learn how to take better care of themselves and controlled daily exercise also helps children have a beautiful figure and ideal height.

Strengthen motor skills while learning art

Children who are exposed to art at a preschool age will receive many amazing benefits, develop richer emotions, think more creatively, and parents should choose art activities appropriate to their age and interests. your child's interests so they can pursue art for a long time. Don't forget to visit the Handbook section to see more great parenting tips!