What should parents do when their children often throw things?

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
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Children often throw things around, making parents very angry and do not know what to do to handle this problem. Join Mykingdom to find out the causes and ways to teach your baby to stop this action immediately!

Why do children often throw things?

Parents should not assume that their children's actions are all because they like them and have no purpose. The fact that children often throw things actually comes from many reasons. You can refer to the signs below to consider the reasons and make appropriate adjustments in your child's parenting style.

Children want to explore the world around them

Young children love to explore new things and learn through experimentation. When babies are a few months old, they begin to suck on their hands and toys to explore. When your baby gets a little older, he learns through holding, grasping, and throwing things. When throwing objects, children observe how they move, fall or break, thereby understanding cause and effect, and quickly grasp information about the surrounding environment.

Children tossing things is sometimes just an act to explore the world

There is another reason why children often throw things , which is because they do not know how to use them correctly. Because those objects in children's eyes have no use value, they tend to throw them away. Additionally, children may enjoy the sounds objects make when they fall. Each item will make a different sound, so children will throw more objects to experience and hear different sounds.

Parents should also note that children at this age love to imitate the actions of adults. Our children's actions of throwing things sometimes come from us. For example, when they see parents throwing clothes into the washing machine, their children want to learn to throw them too, thereby creating the habit of children throwing things .

Children are expressing emotions

When children throw things away, adults will look back and remind them. Therefore, children may throw things just because they want to attract the attention of their parents or adults around them. This expression will happen more often when your child sees that throwing things gets the desired results and attention.

Children will throw things if they need extra attention from people around them

Children who often throw things are probably looking for some kind of game to entertain themselves. After a while of playing with the toys their parents bought for them, children may get bored and need to look for a new toy. When the act of throwing things makes your child feel interesting, he will keep repeating this action over and over again until he gets bored.

There are also cases where children throw things to express emotions that are difficult to express in words. When your child feels sad, depressed or angry but can't say it, he or she will feel frustrated and annoyed. At this time, the act of throwing things will make your child feel comfortable because they release their emotions.

How to handle children throwing things

Parents need to use a gentle voice to explain to children that furniture is for use, not for throwing. Parents should clearly explain to children the consequences of throwing things, such as that the furniture will break, be damaged or even cause injury to the child. Yelling or getting angry will make things develop in a negative direction.

When children often throw things , you need to take that object away and stop letting them use it. When parents set a rule: if the child continues to throw things, the object will be taken back, the child will realize that the act of throwing things will cause the child to lose a lot of things. Gradually, your child will stop throwing things away. Every time your child makes progress, parents, don't forget to give your child praise and encouragement.

Encouraging your child when they are obedient will help them stop repeating bad actions

After a child throws an object, parents can ask the child to help clean it up. This process will help children become more aware of the consequences of throwing things. I also understand that broken things cannot be returned to their original form. The feeling of loss will make your child less likely to throw things.

Most importantly, parents need to understand their child's behavior to find the cause and solve the problem from the root. Spend a few minutes talking with your child, comforting their feelings and teaching them how to express those feelings in words instead of throwing things away. Parents will be the best companions in their children's emotional development. By applying these measures and having patience and empathy, you can build good habits in your child and prevent them from throwing things .

Play fetch with your child

You can completely turn your child's habit of throwing things into an activity that helps your child develop motor skills. Instead of letting children throw things around, parents can place a cardboard box in the room and encourage their children to throw finished toys into it. Besides, parents can also combine other games such as competing to see who can throw farther, or trying to throw the ball into a certain color. These games not only help children develop motor skills but also encourage a competitive spirit and the development of logical thinking abilities.

In addition, parents should take their children to the playground every day and guide them in playing basketball . In the process of throwing the ball into the basket, your child can develop height, health and body balance. Playing basketball also helps children practice flexibility and hand-eye coordination, improve concentration and enhance sports skills.

Playing basketball is a "throwing stuff" activity that is beneficial for children's development

Children often throw things due to the above reasons. After supporting and leading but the child still does not stop this action, parents can consider taking the child to see a psychologist.