Is imitation good? What to do when your child imitates adults' bad behavior?

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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Imitation is the most basic way children learn about themselves and the world around them. This action is considered the "key" to children's developmental milestones. From an early age, children often imitate the sounds, facial expressions, gestures, words, activities or body movements... of people familiar with them such as parents, nannies. .

But many parents wonder if children's actions that they imitate are good? And when children imitate adults' bad behaviors, what should parents do? Let's learn more in the following article:

Find out what actions children often imitate?

According to psychology, imitation is the process by which people copy the behaviors they see/hear from others. Imitation not only plays an important role in the life, development and learning of adults but also of children. Especially at preschool age, through imitation, children will form standards of behavior, personality, brain development and necessary skills. Normally, young children have two types of imitation:

- Intentional imitation: This imitation action is intended to attract the attention of adults. The child repeats the same behavior as you until this action affects your emotions such as sadness, happiness, or irritation.

- Unintentional imitation: This imitation action is the child's need to explore. They want to learn about the world around them, do things that other people can do.

Is it good for children to imitate?

Children often imitate the actions of adults, especially those who are close to them such as parents, siblings, and siblings. This action helps children understand the relationships between themselves and those around them. This helps children form a sense of self.

Besides, imitation also shows the need to explore the world around. Every child is curious and always wants to learn new things. Children feel interested in the words and actions of others. Children imitate their parents' voice, the way they hold a glass, wear shoes, greet them, or imitate their grandfather's gait... These things will help children stimulate their brain, develop awareness and intelligence. great intelligence. From there, children form good habits and personalities when they grow up.

What should parents do when children imitate adults' bad behaviors?

There is also a duality in the fact that children often imitate adults. It can help children develop intelligence but can also form bad habits of adults such as gossiping, swearing, violence... To avoid children imitating bad behaviors, parents need to pay attention. the following:


This is an important factor that affects the development of a child's character and personality. In the family, everyone should be consistent in the way they teach their children. When teaching or reminding, only one person speaks. In front of children or when teaching children, parents should not use violence, swear words...

Select television programs for children

Children not only imitate the behavior of adults but also on television shows and from children's toys. Therefore, parents should limit their children's use of phones and iPads because they are difficult to control. Ideally, only let your child watch television programs that are appropriate for their age and stage of development.

Let children play with pretend toys

Learning while playing is the most natural and effective way for children to develop comprehensively both physically and mentally. Parents should buy their children pretend toys and role-playing toys suitable for their age and interests. Children will imitate adults and pretend to be doctors examining patients, chefs preparing dishes, police officers chasing criminals... At the same time, avoid violent toys, which negatively affect their personalities. young.

Actively praise your child's good behavior

Young children are not yet aware of what is bad behavior and what is good behavior. They simply see adults doing it, which means they are allowed to do it too. Therefore, parents should not hesitate to praise their children when they have good behavior. When children have bad behavior, parents should know how to remind them so they can correct it promptly.

Hopefully the above article helps parents better understand children's imitation actions as well as whether imitation is good or not. From there, there is the most standard and effective way to educate children. Don't forget to follow Mykingdom's " Handbook " section to learn more useful articles.