Learn 3 benefits of letting children play with mud

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Tìm hiểu 3 lợi ích khi cho trẻ chơi với bùn đất


Many parents do not want to let their children play in mud because they are afraid of dirt and their children getting sick, but this actually brings many benefits. Children are often curious and want to explore the world around them through holding, grasping, and kneading. Letting children play with mud will have a positive impact on their comprehensive development. Below are some important benefits that children can gain through exposure and play with mud.

Children playing with mud can strengthen their immune system

When children play with mud , their skin comes into contact with certain types of beneficial bacteria. This stimulates the body's natural immune system, including white blood cells and antibody cells, to become more active. The natural immune system helps detect and destroy pathogens, and helps maintain overall health, so children can grow healthily.

Furthermore, children playing with mud also develops their immune system and reduces the risk of overreacting to allergens such as pollen, animal dander, dust mites and mold... Mud has Can help strengthen children's resistance. Children exposed to bacteria from mud and natural environments will develop the ability to resist pathogens. Your baby's body will have the foundation to resist diseases, and also get better faster when sick.

Letting children play with mud helps them become healthier

Some studies show that children who grow up in rural areas rarely develop asthma, allergies or autoimmune disorders. Experts believe that it is because the immune system is trained and becomes stronger after being exposed to a variety of microorganisms in the living environment.

Develop fine motor and senses

When children play with mud , they can do many physical activities such as jumping, running, digging, grasping, and throwing mud. These activities help develop muscles and increase flexibility and dexterity in your child's hands. Mud is also a great material for children to experience physical sensations and develop their physical abilities.

Playing with mud helps stimulate children's senses, including touch, sight and hearing. Children can feel the position and shape of the mud, smell its natural smells, and hear the sounds it makes when the mud is handled and thrown. This helps children develop their senses and improve their ability to observe and recognize differences in color, size and shape.

If where you live is urban, it will be a bit difficult for you to prepare mud for your children to play with. Furthermore, in addition to beneficial bacteria, mud also contains potentially harmful agents. Therefore, you can completely let your children play with products such as modeling sand or beach sand instead.

Children can create castles with beach sand or kinetic sand

Develop thinking abilities and creativity

Mud is a versatile and versatile material, allowing children to imagine and create desired shapes, structures and items. Children can visualize houses, animals, trees, and other things they want to create. Through playing with mud, children have the opportunity to develop imaginative thinking and explore their creativity.

Playing with mud encourages children's creativity and self-invention. Children can create works of art and landscapes such as castles, houses,... according to their wishes. This helps children develop creativity, artistic thinking and confidence in creating and expressing their ideas.

Playing with mud is not only fun but also helps children develop creativity

Letting children play with mud not only brings joy and excitement but also brings many developmental benefits to children. Contact with mud helps children develop motor skills, stimulate senses, explore and create, create a space for children to relax and entertain, as well as stimulate intelligence. Therefore, create opportunities for children to play with mud to help them develop comprehensively and be able to explore the world around them in a fun way.