3 things parents should avoid when having stubborn children

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
3 điều ba mẹ nên tránh khi có con trẻ bướng bỉnh


For stubborn children , parents will take many actions to discipline their children. However, parents should refer to the following article on how to create an environment for stubborn children to become obedient and develop properly.

Do not set conditions with stubborn children

In the process of wanting a stubborn child to obey, many parents often use the tactic of "buying" the child's cooperation by setting conditions, for example, saying: "If you work hard at your homework today, I will I'll buy it for you...". However, this method is only effective in a short time, because next time, the child may ask for bigger things so that the parents can compromise with the request.

Rewarding children should not become a habit and only focus on the parents' wishes. It is important to create a balanced educational and nurturing environment for children. Parents need to show love and care for their children, always be by their side and give appropriate advice, and set rules to help their children understand that good behavior will bring benefits and success . What consequences will stubbornness bring?

Children will constantly make new requests if you set conditions

Most importantly, parents need to be patient and be able to use effective communication methods to resolve conflicts and encourage their children to develop in a healthy way. In addition, parents should also consider other factors in comprehensively raising stubborn children .

Don't respond just because your child is nagging

Young children often tend to whine and cry because they want to ask their parents to buy new toys, use the phone, etc. For many people, compromising with children and warning them that there won't be a next time is a must. is a seemingly reasonable solution. However, this action can be repetitive and cause difficulties for parents, even creating a stubborn child . Therefore, to better handle this situation, instead of compromising, you need to try to distract or explain why your child is not having this need met.

Parents should explain the reason and talk about their child's requests

You can start by talking about other things, like stories, jokes, or fun activities your child enjoys. At the same time, parents can also distract their children by playing with toys or participating in outdoor activities. This method will create a more stimulating and engaging environment for your child to participate in, and gradually your child will forget the initial requests and become less whiny.

Not agreeing with your child's request will also gradually help your child realize that whining is ineffective and stop this action. Sometimes, whining and crying can be signs of a specific need or unfulfilled emotion. In this case, finding out and understanding the reasons behind the child's behavior is important to be able to respond in the best way.

Don't yell at your child for being stubborn

Losing control and yelling at or punishing children is a common reaction of many parents when their children are stubborn and disobedient. Scolding may temporarily stop the child, but it also causes the strong bond of family relationships to disappear. Instead of using punishment and scolding, you can create a communication environment to understand why your child is stubborn .

Don't scold or scream just because your child is naughty and stubborn

First, parents should become trustworthy friends for their children. By creating a safe and loving environment, listening to feelings and offering timely words of comfort, parents will build a good relationship with their children. Children have their own perspectives and feelings, what you need to do is create opportunities for them to share what is happening and why they are angry. When children feel listened to and understood, they will feel confident and can tell their parents everything, through which you and your child can find a solution to their stubbornness.

Besides, you also need to play the role of a guide by setting rules and guidelines for your child. You can create daily rules that your child must follow, so they are clear about what is and is not acceptable. Besides, encourage and praise children's positive actions and behaviors to motivate and encourage them to develop in a positive direction.

Stubborn children have strong personalities and dare to express their opinions. Therefore, if you can create a positive environment, your child will develop in the right direction, becoming a potential leader and a strong person who can defend his or her position. Parents' parenting style will lay the foundation for their child's future success.