Revealing simple, easy-to-remember ways to teach children to count

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Tiết lộ những cách dạy bé tập đếm đơn giản, dễ nhớ


According to educational experts, parents should teach their children numbers when they can talk. Because starting from this stage, the child's brain develops very strongly. Applying creative ways of teaching children to count will help them easily recognize numbers, arousing their curiosity and instinct to learn.

The article below Mykingdom will share simple ways to teach children to count numbers that are easy to remember and memorize.

Teach your baby to count with toys

The first way parents can teach their children to count is to use their own toys. By creating opportunities for your child to find toys in the required quantity, or ask your child to count the number of toys in the basket. This will help your baby feel excited and at the same time train their ability to remember numbers effectively.

Play the game of finding the numbers

Most preschoolers love finding mysteries. So parents, please incorporate numbers into this game. For example, parents hide numbers in secret places. Combine it with some easy-to-understand clues and ask your child to find it. This interesting game will definitely be extremely attractive when playing with friends or relatives.

Teach children to count numbers through songs

The next way parents can teach their children to count is to use familiar songs. These can be children's songs or nursery rhymes that contain numbers, appropriate for the child's age. For example, the songs: One Duck, Two Little Lizards, Five Good Fingers, Counting Stars... Note that when singing these tunes, parents should show the numbers with fingers to illustrate. so your baby can absorb it faster.

Teach your child to practice counting with numbers

Teaching children to count by phone numbers is also a creative teaching method used by many parents. Parents, write down your phone number and then teach your child to remember the numbers. The phone number can be divided into many clusters of numbers such as the first 3 numbers, the middle 3 numbers, and the last 4 numbers. Or turn the phone number into a rhyme, a short rhyming poem. This not only teaches your baby how to count numbers, but also is very useful in case your baby gets lost.

Teach your baby to practice counting body parts

This is also a very easy way to teach children to count numbers. Parents should teach their children to practice counting from small numbers and then gradually increase. For example, the mother teaches the baby the body parts associated with numbers such as: The baby has 1 nose, 2 ears, 2 eyes... Then continues to teach the baby to count fingers and toes... This way of teaching children to count not only helps them discover body parts but also teaches them to count from 1 to 10.

Teach your baby to count objects in the house

This is also a simple but effective way to teach children to count numbers. Parents can ask questions for their children to answer such as "How many bowls are there on the table?", "How many fans do we have in our house?", "How many tomatoes are in the basket? ... If the child counts correctly, parents should praise the child. If the child counts incorrectly, parents should count together again and give the correct answer. This way, the child will remember for a long time and his or her brain will be stimulated to develop .

Above are simple ways to teach children to count that any parent can apply. Either way, the most important thing is that parents need to spend time with their children and be ready to give them praise and encouragement. Only then will children feel excited, learn quickly and know how to practice counting numbers most accurately. Don't forget to follow Mykingdom's " Handbook " section for more useful information for parents!