Revealing how Japanese mothers teach children to share simply but effectively

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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How to teach children to share is an issue that many parents are concerned about. Because sharing is one of the important qualities that helps children integrate with people and easily succeed at work when they grow up. So how to teach children to share? Parents are also invited to refer to Japanese mothers' ways of teaching children to share below.

Teach children to solve their own problems

Letting children solve their own problems is one of the ways Japanese mothers teach children to share. For example, the mother only bought two children a cake. They will decide for themselves who gets to eat first and how to divide it fairly.

The mother will only silently observe the behavior of the two children and "take action" when necessary. This will help children learn how to share, be patient and find ways to solve their own problems.

Allow children to fight

The next way to teach children to share is to allow them to fight to understand fairness by fighting for themselves. For example, letting children fight over their favorite toy, or even fight, without getting involved or forcing the older child to give in.

Because parents can create an equal environment for their children, but when they go to school or go out into society, there will not be complete equality. Children must discover their own strengths and positions. Teach children to obey social rules, but if they don't obey, try to break them yourself.

Let your children have pets

If family conditions allow, mothers can let their children raise cats, dogs, goldfish... Raising pets not only gives them more friends but also teaches them how to care for, love and appreciate life. . Mothers, please support and guide your children to take good care of their pets as well as organize their daily work and studies well.

Parents set an example for children

The Japanese way of raising children is that parents set an example for their children and always try to live with discipline and order. Because in reality, they also grow up like a child, raised with love, respect, equality and mutual sharing. It will be very difficult for you to see that Japanese parents teach their children good things but they themselves do the opposite.

Teach children to do housework

Every child wants to help and share, adults should know how to promote this. Depending on age, parents will teach children to do appropriate housework . Only then will children be able to practice the necessary skills, know how to love and share with everyone around them.

Parents do not criticize children's mistakes

According to Japanese beliefs, anyone can make mistakes. Criticizing other people's mistakes won't help them get better. Instead, Japanese parents help their children understand that the action is wrong and teach them how to correct it.

Above are Japanese mothers' ways of teaching children to share. Parents can refer to the application to teach children sharing skills most effectively. Don't forget to follow Mykingdom's " Handbook " section to update more useful information.