Why do children need to be trained in life skills from an early age?

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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Any child needs to be trained in life skills from an early age. This greatly affects the process of forming and developing the child's future personality. So what are life skills? Why is it necessary to practice life skills for children? And when is the best time to practice life skills for children? To learn more about this issue, let's refer to the following article.

what is the life skills?

Normally life skills are understood as the basic skills that people need to have to live a healthy, safe and quality life.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), life skills are psychosocial and communication skills that help each individual interact with others effectively. At the same time, respond flexibly to problems and situations that occur in daily life.

According to UNICEFF, life skills include many psychological, social, and personal communication skills. These skills help people make correct and effective decisions and can easily handle and manage themselves towards a healthy, quality life.

Life skills are formed in many different ways, depending on the living environment, educational methods... Life skills training for children will focus on individual or group activities of children, helping children cope. Be positive about situations and challenges in life.

When do parents need to practice life skills for their children?

Training children's life skills takes place very early, even from birth. When they learn to speak, parents teach their children early communication skills such as greeting grandparents, aunts and uncles... Growing up, children go to school, relationships gradually expand, children learn many more skills. new ability. Some necessary life skills for children at this stage include physical training and development, communication skills, and teamwork skills. Therefore, parents need to coordinate with teachers and schools to properly train children's life skills so that they can develop most comprehensively.

Why is it necessary to practice life skills for children?

Besides providing knowledge from books, parents need to create conditions for their children to practice life skills for the following reasons:

Practicing life skills will help children know how to communicate with people and how to behave properly.

Practicing early life skills helps children have a sense of self-control, live a healthy, positive life and develop comprehensively in the future.

Practicing survival skills helps children easily integrate into the group and assert their position.

Practicing life skills helps children stay calm, confident and have enough knowledge to solve situations and challenges in life.

Practicing life skills will help children improve their personality in a positive way.

Hopefully the information in the above article will help parents have a comprehensive and correct view of life skills for their children. Each child will demonstrate different life skills depending on their circumstances and age. However, for children to develop comprehensively both physically and mentally, parents should train their children's life skills from an early age, especially at preschool age. Don't forget to follow Mykingdom's " Handbook " section to learn more useful articles.