Join Mykingdom to find out how STEAM is different from STEM?

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Cùng Mykingdom tìm hiểu STEAM khác STEM như thế nào?

How is STEAM different from STEM ? Could this be caused by a typographical error? The truth is that these are two completely different methods and bring many benefits to children's development. Let's find out more details with Mykingdom!

What is STEM? What is STEAM?

STEM AND STEAM are two educational models that combine traditional theoretical learning methods with practical ways for children to think for themselves and find new solutions. Both models are becoming increasingly popular and they only differ by the letter A in the name. So if we don't pay attention, we can easily get confused between these two methods.

What is STEM?


The STEM method aims to develop creative thinking abilities in children, thereby creating a generation of children with comprehensive development in both thinking and the ability to apply technology in life.

What is STEAM?

The STEAM educational method can be considered a more advanced model of STEM when an additional element is added: STEAM = SCIENCE + TECHNOLOGY + ENGINEERING + ART + MATH

How is STEAM different from STEM?

STEAM is built on the STEM foundation, so it possesses all the advantages of the old method. However, the further expansion of ART will help children develop between creativity and art perfectly. Accordingly, STEAM helps us realize that art is also an important factor in children's education. The reason is that children who learn through STEAM will have their personalities honed, and they will be more flexible and skillful in solving problems.

STEAM is built on the STEM foundation, so it possesses all the advantages of the old method

How is STEAM different from STEM?

In terms of words, STEM and STEAM only differ in adding the letter A to STEM, which means combining art with engineering to create the perfect combination of developing both EQ and IQ.

Previously, people did not realize the importance of artistic elements. However, art also increases the ability to stimulate brain activity, helping children become more creative and their ability to solve problems that arise is also superior.

The two educational methods STEM and STEAM are not too different because they have the same foundation. Both methods aim to combine interdisciplinary knowledge, helping children develop better. In addition, children who study STEM or STEAM have the ability to apply the knowledge they have learned in everyday life. The STEAM education method is developed on the basis of STEM education, but the added artistic element makes this method stand out even more.

Both methods aim to combine interdisciplinary knowledge, helping children develop better

So Mykingdom has helped you answer how STEAM is different from STEM . Currently, STEAM education is being taught by many schools to gradually replace old methods. Mykingdom firmly believes that this educational model will be increasingly replicated and popular, from which the future young generation of our country will become increasingly elite and talented.