Let's explore what fingerprint biometrics is?

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
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What is fingerprint biometrics ? How do fingerprints play a role in children's development? Join us to learn to understand your child's potential, thereby promoting your child's full potential in each area.

What is fingerprint biometrics?

To learn what fingerprint biometrics is , we will first explore human fingerprints. Each person's fingerprints are unique and will not change throughout that person's life. Fingerprints only change in size as we grow older. Therefore, we can use fingerprint biometrics to analyze the baby's qualities, thereby outlining a more optimal parenting method.

Research shows that we can identify many factors through biometrics

What is fingerprint biometrics? This is a science researched on the relationship between fingerprints and the brain. Thereby considering a person's potential. Fingerprints are unique, so it is possible to determine a child's personality, learning potential and interests. Although fingerprint biometrics can determine a child's potential, if he or she does not receive appropriate training, it will be difficult for him or her to succeed.

Basic fingerprint types

The knowledge below is all referenced to fingerprint biometrics, you can refer to it to raise your children better.

1. Simple wave fingerprint (Simple Arch)

Shape: Mountain layers overlap each other, curved at the top, without any pointed triangles.

Characteristics: According to fingerprint biometrics, children with fingerprints like this will be hard-working, non-complaining, introverted and very cautious. Children have high self-awareness and a good sense of responsibility. However, children often lose trust in others.

Simple wave-shaped fingerprint

2. Carp strain (Tented Arch)

Shape: triangular, slightly pointed at the top

Characteristics: Children have the ability to evaluate problems accurately, study and work according to a clear system. Children are very creative and ready to take on challenges. However, his personality is somewhat "sunny in the morning and rainy in the afternoon", impulsive and easily angered.

Carp fingerprint strain

3. Ulnar Loop

Shape: Fingerprints are shaped like a waterfall flowing toward the little finger.

Characteristics: The baby will be very calm and gentle, possessing good observation ability but strangely quite passive in many things. Children in this category are less creative and like to follow the crowd or the existing system.

Fingerprints are flooded with water

4. What is Radial Loop in fingerprint biometrics?

Shape: In contrast to the flowing water fingerprint, the waterfall shape will flow towards the thumb.

Characteristics: Personality is also completely opposite to the above. Children have independent thinking, like to ask questions but tend to criticize others. Children will see themselves as the center, and at the same time have thoughts against the majority.

The opposite of a forward fingerprint is a reverse fingerprint

5. Concentric Whorl fingerprint strain

Shape: The ridges on the finger start from the center of the small circle of the fingerprint and spread out with two triangular points.

Characteristics: Children view themselves as self-centered, like to set goals and compete with others. Children have quite subjective thoughts and do not like to be controlled.

Concentric Whorl fingerprint strain

6. Spiral Whorl – WS fingerprint strain

Shape: Spiral starting from the middle and gradually spreading outward, with two triangular points.

Characteristics: Children have the ability to motivate themselves to complete the goals they set. If properly encouraged, your child will certainly succeed in the desired field.

7. Press Whorl fingerprint strain – WP

Shape: Similar to Spiral Whorl fingerprints but instead of circles, the fingerprints are long ovals, with two triangular points.

Characteristics: Children are ambitious, love competition, hate being defeated, and like to control everything.

What is fingerprint biometrics? Is what helps you decode fingerprints Press Whorl – WP

8. Imploding Whorl fingerprint strain – WI

Shape: Fingerprints are located in the middle, surrounded by many circles.

Characteristics: According to research, children have the ability to multitask (complete tasks at the same time) and have a sense of self-regulation.

Imploding Whorl fingerprint strain – also known as WI

9. Composite Whorl – WC fingerprint strain

Shape: Fingerprint tissue does not have many layers or circles surrounding it.

Characteristics: Children are very adaptable, have the ability to think from many different perspectives, and make decisions based on the current situation. Children have good communication and coordination skills but are easily distracted.

The final form in the basic strain: Composite Whorl – WC fingerprint strain

Application of fingerprint biometrics in many areas of life

After understanding what fingerprint biometrics is, let's explore the applications of biometrics in life.

  1. Develop personal abilities

  • Enhance communication and personal interaction skills
  • How to evaluate and appreciate people?
  • Improve relationships with people and increase EQ (emotional intelligence quotient) and AQ (overcoming difficulties quotient)
  • Develop each person's potential
  • Improve your ability to advance your career in the future.

Enhance meaning and happiness in life by respecting values.

  1. Fingerprint biometrics help determine appropriate educational methods

  • Create more methods to evaluate children's intelligence
  • Enhance communication and education within the family
  • Customize educational methods to suit each individual
  • Determine your child's natural talent
  • Support choosing a career suitable for the career that children want
  • Determine the most appropriate teaching and learning methods.

Fingerprint biometrics helps parents find the right educational method for each child

Every child is born with its own potential. Discovering and promoting children's abilities and strengths depends greatly on the adults around them. Understanding fingerprint biometrics will help teachers and parents find career orientation for their children.

Hopefully this article helps parents understand what fingerprint biometrics is so they can better understand their children. This helps ensure children's lives are happy, free and full of exciting daily experiences.