Arrange the order of learning and playing to improve academic achievement

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
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After tiring hours at school, should children complete their homework immediately? Or should I let my child play freely with friends first? In fact, playing will not affect a child's academic performance. On the contrary, if parents know how to arrange the time and order of learning and playing , their child will make great progress.

Let's find out what it would be like to do the lesson first and then play

If your child is playing and their parents interrupt and ask them to complete their homework, they will feel extremely frustrated and hate doing homework. Furthermore, when the child finishes playing, both the child's body and brain are in a state of excitement, and the child will not be able to concentrate on completing the exercise in the best way. So the order of learning and playing here is to let your child do the homework first and then play. The child will feel more comfortable because he won't have to worry about being interrupted.

Children become bored with learning when playtime is interrupted

Psychologist Ebbinghaus found that people's memory ability will decrease rapidly within just the first day. It can be understood that when learning something new, the brain will remember 100% at that time, but by the end of the day it drops to about 40%. That means the farther away from class time you spend doing homework, the more likely it is that your child will forget what they learned, leading to more time wasting and difficulty in completing the homework. So from this point of view, the order of learning and playing will be to prioritize learning.

So how will children feel after playing before doing homework?

There is a lot of homework for children, coming from all subjects. After completing the exercise, children will have very little time left to play. Furthermore, using all your energy to do homework also makes your child feel tired and not want to go anywhere. After a day of absorbing a huge amount of knowledge at school, arranging the order of studying and playing in the opposite direction from the above point of view will be good for both physical and mental health. When your child is rested and in a happy mood, he or she will complete homework faster and more accurately.

Let your child do homework immediately after going home

Similar to us adults, when we get home after a long, tiring day of work, we also need to rest before starting to handle housework, thanks to which cleaning efficiency also increases. Therefore, it is not necessary to create a seamless flow from studying at school to doing homework.

Both views have the right idea, so in the end which order of learning and playing is better?

The order of learning and playing depends on many factors such as the child's age, developmental level, and the family's educational goals. If your child is too young and not yet capable of studying, you should let them play first to help them develop basic skills, creativity and critical thinking. Play also helps children improve their physical and social communication skills.

However, if the child is capable of studying, priority should be given to learning first so that the child can study better and develop his or her learning ability. Learning also helps children increase their knowledge, logical thinking and intellectual development. However, children are inherently hyperactive. Sitting at school all day makes me extremely depressed, so I really need emotional and physical release after school. Thanks to that, children become happier and motivated to do other things. Therefore, the order of learning and playing should be considered by many factors and not chosen arbitrarily.

You should arrange the order of studying and playing properly

Children still do not understand the importance of learning, many children still think that studying is boring, so some children will be destructive and do not want to study, some children will not listen to lectures and forget first and then forget later, leading to homework. Homework is very slow. To solve this problem as well as train children's discipline, parents should arrange a reasonable play and study schedule and ask children to comply.

In case the child resists and refuses to follow the schedule, parents can deduct play time for the following days. Children are very stubborn, but they will also become very docile if we find the right way to educate them.

Let your children learn and play with creative toys

Besides, you should review the knowledge learned in class with your child over and over again by reading textbooks and taking notes. Continuous review will help children remember longer and apply knowledge fluently. Parents also need to guide their children to check right and wrong and revise their lessons immediately after completing them. This habit will help their children remember everything they have learned. After that, you can preview the next day's learning content with your child, encourage them to ask their own questions and problems they want to solve, and write down questions so they can ask the teacher tomorrow.

To know which order of learning and playing is right for your child, parents can let their child try each method and observe the child's performance. Always keep your child in the best mood so he or she is ready to cope with difficulties and challenges and develop better. In particular, you can completely let your children play and learn withMykingdom 'screative toys .