5 methods of educating preschool children that cannot be ignored

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
5 phương pháp giáo dục trẻ mầm non không thể bỏ qua

The method of educating preschool children will create a huge stepping stone in the child's learning and personal development process at school. Learning and applying teaching methods is one of the top priorities of parents. Join Mykingdom to learn about world-famous teaching methods applied at school and at home, providing the most ideal environment for children to develop comprehensively.

STEAM method - famous preschool education method

The STEAM preschool education method is no longer strange to many parents. This method was first applied in the US to provide comprehensive, multi-disciplinary knowledge for children. Those 5 areas include:

  • Science
  • Technology
  • Engineering
  • Art
  • Math (Mathematics).

The outstanding point of this learning method is that it is student-centered, investing more in practice than letting children learn theory. Children who follow this preschool education method feel completely free and unconstrained, thereby improving their learning performance. At the same time, applying this method also encourages children to experience reality and use their own knowledge and creativity to solve problems. Children will become more confident and proactive in everything, becoming a better version.

Apply STEAM method through exploring robots

Currently, in Vietnam there is the ROBOTACON WRO competition to help children practice and develop themselves according to STEAM. If you are interested, you can learn more and register your child to participate next year!

Montessori method for children from 0 - 6 years old

The Montessori method was created with the core educational motto of respecting the uniqueness of every child. Montessori will create opportunities for children to develop independently and freely with support and guidance from adults with model products and educational tools. Children will demonstrate their abilities and thinking in many different situations, thereby developing themselves comprehensively and optimally.

Montessori preschool education method through 5 different areas so that children can form their own personality as well as discipline and self-discipline. Those 5 areas include:

  • Practical life domain (self-care and environmental skills)
  • Sensory domain (skills that require the use of the 5 senses)
  • Language field
  • Field of mathematics
  • Cultural field.

The Montessori method respects the uniqueness of every child

See more articles: Suggestions on how to practice Montessori at home for your baby 

Glenn Doman educational method

Glenn Doman's preschool education method has opened the trend of educating children early at home, thereby creating a foundation to stimulate children's senses and ability to discover their own abilities. Parents will play the role of their children's first teachers in this way of education.

Specifically, parents will begin educating their children through dot-cards or flashcards with vocabulary or counting topics corresponding to reading, writing and math programs) by repeated presentation. This process will help children have the opportunity to improve their vocabulary, stimulate their intelligence and ability to use language... Parents are the people who have the most contact with their children, in addition to becoming an example for their children to follow in terms of good habits. With habits and personalities, parents can become great instructors.

Parents will begin educating their children through dot-cards or flashcards with many topics

Steiner preschool education method

Different from traditional education, the Steiner method focuses on three basic elements: thoughts, emotions and will. This method promotes the ability to associate, the spirit of cooperation as well as creates an environment for children to learn and develop their intelligence through daily activities such as singing, reading, drawing, etc.

Similar to many other famous teaching methods, the Steiner method always encourages children to practice, experience, play and create in their own way. Thanks to this, independence and confidence in personality are developed.

The Steiner method focuses on three basic factors: thoughts, emotions and will

Reggio Emilia educational method

The Reggio Emilia method is built on the principle of "child autonomy". Instead of letting the teacher teach everything and the child just passively absorbs it, this method of educating preschool children focuses on the child's own problem-solving skills.

The teacher will be like a companion, will communicate and share ideas with your child, and provide appropriate suggestions to foster thinking abilities, develop creativity and problem-solving skills. of children through sharing knowledge with each other and communicating daily.

The curriculum of this method of educating preschool children is extremely attractive. Not only teachers but parents can also participate in this interactive and supportive process, helping to strengthen family relationships and children's surrounding relationships.

Teachers do not teach everything but will focus on children's own problem-solving skills

Above are 5 world-famous preschool education methods that have been applied by many parents and are extremely effective. Each method has its own outstanding advantages, parents can review and choose the most suitable method for their baby. Parents, remember to refer to Mykingdom's Handbook section to learn more parenting tips!