Effective methods help parents teach children to respect others

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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Experts say that teaching children to respect others is an important skill for children to easily integrate into new living environments later. Respecting others is not only a moral requirement but also a necessary habit for children to integrate into society.

However, it is not natural for children to know how to respect others; they learn this through real life situations. And parents can teach children to respect others and respect themselves with the following simple but effective methods:

Parents must be an example for their children

Parents setting an example for their children is the best way to teach them to respect others. Even though children are young, parents must still treat them with respect. Be patient and listen to what your child says to build trust and understanding. This also helps children feel more confident with themselves and know how to listen attentively to others.

Besides, parents need to behave properly in any situation, with anyone to set an example for their children. Parents should use polite language when communicating with children and everyone. Don't forget to say "sorry" and "thank you" every time you ask your child to do something. Children will observe and learn from their parents' words and actions and imitate them.

Praise children when they respect others

When children show respect for others, parents should not hesitate to give them compliments. But don't give a general compliment like "You did a great job" but give a specific compliment about your child's good behavior like "I'm glad you asked permission before taking the cake to eat." Only then will children understand and feel proud and excited because their efforts have been recognized.

Remind and punish children

When children behave disrespectfully towards others, parents need to promptly stop them and take appropriate punishments. If the situation at that time is not convenient, then parents must remind children to see the consequences of not respecting others. For example, "I hurt you today, I need to apologize to you for those words", or "I didn't respect others today, so I can't watch cartoons tonight"... Once parents have decided to punish their children, they must take it seriously, otherwise it will be very difficult to achieve results.

Keep promise

The next way parents can teach children to respect others is to keep their promises. Once you have promised something to your child, parents should try to keep it without making empty promises. This way, children will feel trust and respect their parents.

Let children watch TV

Parents can watch TV with their children with their favorite programs. Then ask which character the child likes or dislikes and why. At the same time, explain and integrate teaching children to respect characters with good personalities and qualities. For example, when a child says, "I don't like Tom because Tom always hurts Jerry," the mother should say, "Hurting others is disrespectful and you shouldn't do that. Otherwise, Other people won't like you just like you don't like Tom."

Let your child try being an actor

Parents should invite children to play role-playing games with real-life situations to teach children to respect others. These can be impolite actions such as cutting in line when queuing to buy tickets, interrupting when others are talking... Then parents let the child express his or her feelings about these actions and give feedback. What are the good actions that should be taken in this situation? This is also a lively and effective way to teach children to respect others that parents can apply.

With the above ways to teach children to respect others, we hope to help parents raise their children best. When children know how to respect others and themselves, they will have many friends and be respected by others. Don't forget to follow the articles in Mykingdom's Handbook section for more useful information.