Methods of teaching children to appreciate toys from child-rearing experts

06.06.2023   BTV dieu.tranthi
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Are you tired of cleaning up all the toys your children have thrown around? Do you feel haunted because every time you come home from work, you are not greeted by a neat and clean home, but a messy house with toys scattered everywhere? That's when you need to teach your child to appreciate toys. What do experts say about this, and how can you stop your child from tossing toys? Come explore with us.

Make your child aware of personal belongings

When buying toys or any other item for your child, let your child participate in the selection and decision process. This helps children develop a sense of responsibility for their own toys. However, to ensure that children learn this awareness, parents should also be careful not to arbitrarily give their children's toys to others.

Children will learn to appreciate toys when they choose them themselves

Next, for children to appreciate toys, parents need to instruct their children to clean up their toys immediately after playing. Cleaning up toys after playing is an extremely useful way for your baby to practice being neat and tidy and keep things longer. Initially, mothers can tidy up together with their children so that they can get used to the location of storing things and the method of arranging things. At the same time, they can encourage their children to be more active in cleaning up their toys.

If your child shows resistance and does not participate in the cleaning process, you can remind him that his toys will be lost or damaged if he does not put them away properly. After that, parents should refuse to answer the specific location of the toy that their child wants to find. Repeatedly searching for the toy like that will help the child appreciate the toy, and gradually the child will learn how to put things away himself. play by yourself.

Limit your child's indulgence so that he or she learns to appreciate toys

Children love to explore new toys, but they also get bored quickly. Many children get bored with playing and throw the toys away. Parents should limit the number of toys children can own to teach children to value toys. Absolutely do not buy any item your child wants, because this will make the child forget the value of toys.

Don't buy everything you want

Second, limiting play time also helps children appreciate toys. If you can play it all the time, your child will accidentally forget how much he used to like that toy. Only being able to play for a certain period of time will make your child feel nostalgic for the toys and find ways to preserve them.

Parents are role models for children to learn from

During the development process, parents are the people who have the most contact with their children. Children tend to learn based on their parents' personalities and activities. Therefore, parents' awareness of appreciating their belongings will greatly affect their children. The neater the parents are, the more neat the children will be.

The neatness and neatness of parents is an example for children to follow

Children will begin to learn and imitate adults' actions at age 3, this is also the "golden time" for children to form awareness of this world. Parents should create good habits for their children at this time so that they can remember and develop firmly.

In particular, parents can also share with their children more or less difficult situations. There are children whose families have no means, so owning beautiful toys is too luxurious for them. Parents can share and take their children to visit friends' homes, and share their children's toys. This gesture not only helps children build charity, but also helps them appreciate toys more.

Bond emotionally with toys

When children are young, they often like to talk to toys. Parents can encourage this action, so that children love toys more. Seeing toys as friends also helps children develop their imagination, flexible communication skills and story creation skills. Furthermore, when choosing to buy toys for their children, parents can encourage their children to choose toys they really like so that they feel connected. From then on, I learned to appreciate toys more.

Children will learn to appreciate toys when they develop emotional attachments

Finally, teach your children about the value of each person. Appreciating oneself is not only expressed through words, but also through the way that person treats things around them. Throwing toys around or not taking care of them will make them become a sloppy person, without awareness and without valuing themselves.

Toys are indispensable in children's childhood, accompanying them through each milestone in life. Take good care of toys so that when you look back when you grow up, your child will remember a beautiful childhood. Hopefully the experts' methods have helped parents understand more about how to raise children.