If you want your child to develop both hemispheres of the brain, don't miss these 6 games

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
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The two hemispheres of the brain take on different roles. If children have right-brain thinking, they will have the ability to be creative, develop artistic tendencies, be imaginative and emotional. Meanwhile, children with left-brain thinking will like to study analytical subjects, logical thinking, reasoning...

Developing the two hemispheres of the brain in a balanced way is one of the important principles for developing children's intelligence. Parents should observe their children so they can best support them in learning both art subjects and calculations and interpretations.

Association and practice games

Association will help children develop the left side of their brain, while practicing the things they have thought about. Parents can let their children draw pictures, plant trees, decorate cards, etc. These are all games that develop both hemispheres of the brain extremely effectively. The above activities require children to think, imagine and practice step by step, thereby balancing thinking and developing intelligence.

For example, if you want to decorate a card to celebrate a friend's birthday or send wishes on Christmas Eve, you should suggest that your child imagine and describe the drawings and place the stickers on the card. card. Then let your child practice what they thought of before. Parents should refer to MAKE IT REAL products to support their children in developing associations and implementation.

Making cards by hand helps your baby develop both hemispheres of the brain equally

Board games help develop both hemispheres of the brain

Board games are a popular entertainment activity for children as well as family gatherings. Board games are also a useful tool to develop balanced brain hemispheres . Taking the Monopoly board game as an example , players must visualize the important red and orange squares in life and think and plan their own moves, especially predicting their opponent's moves. Through this, your child will develop left-brain thinking.

At the same time, you also need to talk to convince your opponents to resell the real estate, giving appropriate arguments to win more wins for yourself. Thinking of creative methods to become a "billionaire" also partly develops the right brain more effectively.

Play musical instruments

Many people think that playing musical instruments belongs to art and only helps children develop right-brain thinking. However, learning how to position fingers and remember how to use different types of musical instruments requires the participation of the left hemisphere of the brain.

In addition, the process of memorizing musical notes and melodies of a song also helps children develop both hemispheres of the brain at the same time. Mykingdom introduces to you the lovely pink Piano toy set , the colorful Xylophone percussion toy CMY09 at good prices to support your baby's thinking development right at home.

Parents should consult their children to choose the right musical instrument

Hemispheric thinking is not a strength

Parents observe their children's daily activities and interests to find appropriate methods to develop both hemispheres of the brain . In case you see that your child shows signs of using the left brain more, such as liking math and planning, you should encourage your child to participate in many artistic activities that require creativity such as painting, singing. , acting…

On the contrary, if you see that your child often daydreams about magical stories and has the ability to remember images and sounds better than remembering numbers and formulas, parents need to accompany and guide their children in learning these subjects. Naturally, play thinking puzzles.

Let your child sing and dance to develop the right brain

See more articles: Suggestions for a series of great IQ puzzles for children aged 3-5 years old 

The “stroop” color test

In psychology, there is a test that can analyze the ability to balance the two hemispheres of the brain, called "stroop". This test is named after American psychologist Ridley Stroop. Although it is said to be a test, "stroop" also makes children extremely fond of it thanks to the entertaining process.

The test will ask children to write the names of colors using different colored pens. For example, children will write the word "Red" with a green ink pen, the word "Yellow" with a brown ink pen. Your child needs to continuously name the color of that word, instead of reading the name of the word. Children will have excellent reflexes and color recognition thanks to this test.

Mind map

Mind maps are a method of memorization and learning favored by many schools. When drawing diagrams, children need to imagine and use many different colors to create branches of knowledge. Elements that are branched and systematized logically will require children to use their left brain to think.

Parents should encourage their children to use mind maps as much as possible. Children who understand how to apply this method early on will work much more effectively, through which they will know what tasks to prioritize and organize their work effectively.

The initial step of setting up a mind map will be very difficult, parents should help your child

Children will work best when they can develop both hemispheres of the brain equally. There are many people who have achieved success by promoting the strengths of each hemisphere of the brain in each of their own cases. Parents, please click on Mykingdom's Handbook section to learn more tips on teaching your children.