Take a look at outdated parenting ideas that parents need to give up immediately

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Điểm mặt những quan điểm dạy con lỗi thời ba mẹ cần từ bỏ ngay


Raising a child who is healthy, smart and becomes a person of good character is never easy. Life is increasingly modern and constantly changing. There are some views on parenting that are no longer suitable for the current situation. However, there are many parents who still maintain old, outdated methods imposed on their children. Below are some outdated parenting ideas that parents need to abandon immediately:

Pampering your child too much

This is one of the teaching concepts that parents need to give up immediately. Because parents who pamper their children too much can turn them into spoiled children, or dependent on others. When children grow up, they easily fall into bad habits, live irresponsibly, lack independence, are selfish and tend to take advantage of others for their own benefit.

Therefore, parents should set clear boundaries between responsibility, duty and indulgence. At the same time, parents also need to pay attention to their children's behavior and expressions to make timely adjustments.

Yelling at your child to show power

Scolding is using harsh words and raising your voice to teach your child. This view of parenting is not an effective way to educate. Children who are scolded will feel hurt and gradually distance themselves from their parents.

You must always listen to adults

Parents always want their children to obey their parents and adults. However, if your child continues to listen to all the rules and orders of adults, it will create a habit that will be harmful to the future. Such children have less chance of defending themselves and are more likely to become victims of social manipulators.

You must study well to succeed

You have to study very well and pass this school or that school to have a good job, success and happiness. This is also a wrong parenting perspective that many parents always impose on their children. Today, any hobby can become a career, and personal development is important for a career. For example, if a child is not good at math but is very passionate about drawing, parents should encourage their child to pursue their passion.

Compare often to create encouragement

Many parents think that comparing siblings with each other, or comparing their children with the neighbor's children, will help their children become competitive. From there, children will improve their attitude and work performance. However, each person has different strengths and personalities. It is best not to compare them directly, but to properly evaluate their strengths so that children can get the best out of them.

You have to save money

Another teaching point of many parents is to know how to save money. But saving money over a long period of time is not a wise way. We can get better results when we know how to use money wisely. So, instead of teaching your children to save money, parents should tell them about the importance of basic personal financial planning as well as how to do it.

Do not argue or fight under any circumstances

There are necessary cases, children must know how to stand up for justice and protect themselves. If parents always impose the viewpoint of teaching their children not to argue or fight back under any circumstances, children will only know how to stay silent and endure when being bullied. As children grow up, it will be difficult for them to face challenges, especially in a competitive environment.

Above are some views on child rearing that are no longer appropriate and that parents should avoid. Parents can refer to teaching their children to develop comprehensively and become excellent people in the future. Don't forget to follow Mykingdom's " Handbook " section to learn parenting principles and see many other useful articles.