Reasons why parents should teach their children time management from an early age

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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Our grandparents have the saying " Time is money " or " Don't put off today's things for tomorrow " to refer to the preciousness of time. Therefore, even adults and children must know how to value time.

When children turn 3 years old, parents need to teach them time management. This not only helps children know how to organize work and study scientifically, but also makes it easier to achieve success in life and in their future career.

The article below will help parents better understand time management skills as well as why they should teach their children time management from an early age.

What are time management skills?

Time management is the practice of planning to consciously control the time spent on one or more specific activities to increase productivity. In other words, time management skills are the skills to use, control and allocate time scientifically to perform tasks with the best results.

People with good time management skills will know how to use their time effectively. For example, in the same amount of time and the same amount of work or exercise, some children complete it with the best results, but some children cannot complete it, delaying the time.

Reasons why parents should teach their children time management

Time management is an essential life skill

Similar to adults, children also have countless jobs to do in a day. In addition to homework and extracurricular activities, children also need time to rest and entertain. To accomplish this, the key factor is to learn how to manage time.

Therefore, parents should teach their children time management so that they know how to allocate and arrange time appropriately. This contributes to the process of development and self-improvement, helping your child have a balanced life as an adult.

Help your baby have more time to do other things

In a certain period of time, if your child knows how to use it properly, he or she will complete work or study with the best efficiency. Thanks to that, the child will have more time to participate in other activities such as watching TV with parents, playing with assembled toys , going to the park... On the contrary, when the child wastes time, he cannot complete the task. work or time delay.

Form good, scientific habits

One of the great benefits of teaching children time management is helping them form scientific habits. Children will understand the value of time, thereby realizing what they need to do with their time every day, every week and every month.

Maybe at first your baby will find it difficult to complete everything within a certain amount of time. But gradually your child will learn the habit of using time most effectively.

Build self-awareness and independence

For young children, managing school time and after-school activities can be a challenge. However, if parents teach their children to manage their time well, they will have a clear sense of what needs to be done. Children will voluntarily perform tasks and know which tasks to prioritize first. This is very good in building children's independence when handling their work and time.

Improve working and studying efficiency

Teaching children time management also helps improve their efficiency and productivity. Because during a certain period of time, children are forced to have high concentration to study, work, and play to create the best results. It can be said that saving time will motivate children to study and work more passionately.

Know how to value your time and the results you achieve

When children realize that time is a " priceless asset ", they will appreciate time as well as the achievements they achieve. For example, your baby will feel happy when completing assigned tasks, happy when he can go out with his parents every weekend, or really excited when he hears his mother read a story before bed...

Above are the reasons parents should teach their children time management. Hopefully this interesting information will help parents gain more experience in raising children. Don't forget to follow Mykingdom's " Handbook " section to learn more useful articles.