Unexpected benefits when teaching children about gratitude

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Những lợi ích không ngờ khi dạy bé về lòng biết ơn


Gratitude is one of the important factors that determine human personality. Therefore, in addition to helping children develop intellectually and physically, parents should teach their children about gratitude. A grateful child will tend to think positive thoughts, increase happiness, integrate into society and succeed more easily. To learn more about the benefits of teaching children gratitude, parents are invited to refer to the following article:

What is gratitude?

Gratitude is an extremely familiar phrase to everyone in life. We often know gratitude to our parents, grandparents, teachers, people who help us when we are in trouble... Thus, gratitude is remembering and appreciating the things we do. something of value or meaning that we receive from others.

You will feel grateful when you appreciate something good or are indebted to someone. And you will respond with a generous heart or show it with acts of kindness. For example, you can show your gratitude to your parents and teachers for your care and education with fresh bouquets of flowers or practical and meaningful gifts.

Synonyms for gratitude are grateful, thankful, indebted, thankful, appreciative, grateful... And the opposite of gratitude is ungrateful, ungrateful, ungrateful...

The benefits of teaching children about gratitude

Children have positive thoughts, live optimistically, and are happy

According to several studies, experts have found a direct connection between good health and gratitude. People who are grateful will form positive thoughts, live optimistically, and love life. At the same time, reduce stress and anxiety, enhance immunity and improve health.

Specifically, study participants were divided into 2 groups. In which the first group was asked to write down the things they felt grateful for, and the second group wrote about the things they felt uncomfortable with. After 10 weeks, people in the first group felt more optimistic and exercised more than the other group. Thus, gratitude really has a positive impact on children's thinking.

Maintain and develop social relationships

This is the next benefit of teaching children about gratitude. When children become adults, they will know how to maintain and develop social relationships.

According to a study by Sara Algoe, PhD, of the University of North Carolina, showing gratitude and appreciation to those around you has health benefits for both yourself and yourself. This means that gratitude will help build and nurture good relationships.

Build strong character

Children are always interested in new things. They will absorb everything they hear and see. Therefore, parents need to teach their children about gratitude and polite behavior from an early age. This helps children form strong, disciplined personalities.

According to ean Piaget, a child development expert, children from 2 to 7 years old are the best stage to teach manners. Because this is the age when intuitive intelligence is formed. Children will understand the value of respect, empathy and fairness.

It can be seen that teaching children about gratitude is essential for children to form good qualities as well as an optimistic, life-loving attitude. Hopefully the above article will help parents better understand the benefits of teaching children about gratitude. Don't forget to follow Mykingdom's " Handbook " section to learn more articles.