Surprised by the benefits of letting children learn to draw early

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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When babies begin to know how to hold objects, it is also time for parents to let them get used to drawing. Maybe, at first, the child's drawings are still scribbled and do not have specific lines. But after a period of practice, especially from 4-5 years old onwards, children will become proficient at drawing and become more and more beautiful.

In particular, drawing and coloring are considered extremely effective brain exercises. This activity will stimulate the development of both hemispheres of the brain at the same time. In particular, the right brain is said to respond to creativity and emotions, while the left brain is more inclined to logical and analytical thinking. Therefore, no one can deny the benefits of letting children learn to draw early. To understand more about the benefits of teaching children to draw, parents should refer to the following article.

The benefits of letting children learn to draw

Develop motor skills

When it comes to drawing, people often think of creative, emotional and spiritual activities. However, the benefit of letting children learn to draw from a young age can help children develop motor skills very well. Children will learn how to work skillfully with their fingers to control the brush and create the desired lines and images. This also requires smooth coordination between hands and eyes to observe objects from whole to detail most accurately.

Improve memory

Preschool children have very good observation and memory abilities. Through drawing activities, children can recreate every detail of the objects they observe closely. The better a child observes and remembers, the more vivid the picture will be when drawing. Therefore, teaching children to draw from a young age is considered an effective way for children to practice memory and enhance their observation ability.

Develop logical thinking ability

Another obvious benefit of letting children learn to draw is the development of their logical thinking ability. If when young, children often draw and color in a haphazard and unintentional way, then after learning to draw, they can recognize and distinguish colors, shapes, and lines. From there, it helps children foster the ability to think logically about things and objects in the world around them.

Develop creativity

In addition to increasing logical thinking ability, the benefits of letting children learn to draw also develop creativity. Because through drawing activities, children can present all their ideas and develop their rich imagination on each page.

Increase positive emotions

The benefits of letting children learn to draw also contributes to happiness and reduces stress. Furthermore, painting is also a way for children to express their emotions naturally. Through each finished work or painting, parents can understand part of the child's thoughts, moods or emotions expressed in it.

Form good qualities in children

The process of practicing drawing will help children practice meticulousness and carefulness. And each completed picture will bring a sense of conquest, helping children feel more confident for other goals. Furthermore, practicing drawing also helps children foster aesthetic perception and love of beauty.

What do parents need to prepare to teach their children how to draw?

Drawing space

Parents need to prepare a comfortable drawing space for their children with suitable tables and chairs. Avoid using items and utensils that are difficult to wash when stained with color or paint.

Comfortable protective clothing

Parents can invest in an apron for their child to learn how to draw or use an old shirt or scarf to cover their child. Protective clothing will help your baby freely play with colors without fear of paint getting on the clothes inside.

Drawing, painting, and coloring tools

For young children, parents can buy sets of colored pencils and crayons. Older children use watercolors and brushes. Children from 10 years old and up can try their hand at oil painting tools. And an indispensable tool when children draw is drawing paper. Prioritize choosing specialized drawing paper so your child can easily express his or her ideas.

Above is information shared about the benefits of letting children learn to draw. Parents, don't hesitate to buy your baby art, crafting, or crafting toys to stimulate their passion from an early age.

At Mykingdom, parents can choose from countless types of drawing, painting, and coloring supplies with many types and attractive themes suitable for each age, gender, and interest. Furthermore, all of these items come from the world-famous Crayola brand and have been thoroughly researched to fully meet international toy standards, so parents can feel secure.

For detailed information as well as how to order online, parents can visit Mykingdom's website at: .