Tips for mothers to effectively teach children with poor concentration right at home

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Mách mẹ những "tuyệt chiêu" dạy trẻ kém tập trung hiệu quả ngay tại nhà


Poor concentration and distractions when studying or playing are common problems in young children. Although children really like to explore the world, they can only concentrate for a while before they begin to care about other things. Sometimes it's just the sound of a motorbike, the sound of birds singing or something happening around the baby.

Experts say that the human brain has a certain period of time when it operates in a certain state of excitement. Therefore, when children study at school or at home, lack of concentration often occurs. Besides, a heavy and uninteresting curriculum also causes children to lose concentration.

However, parents can also use many ways to teach children with poor concentration to improve. If writing is used correctly, children will create beneficial habits and learn and play more effectively. In this article, we will refer to the following simple ways to teach children with poor concentration that many parents apply.

A quiet space will help your child concentrate while studying

Many children often find it difficult to concentrate when studying in a noisy, messy environment. Therefore, creating a quiet space for your baby is a way to teach children with poor concentration that parents can do immediately. Specifically, parents should arrange the room neat and tidy, and the desk to avoid leaving too many favorite furniture or toys that can easily distract children.

Let children learn and play with reasonable time

With this way of teaching children with poor concentration, parents can let them focus on studying for about 20 minutes, then take a short break of about 5 minutes and continue studying. And start gradually increasing the time in the following days to practice concentration habits for children.

Parents sit with children

Normally, when parents are around, children will feel safe and focus on playing with toys longer. This is also a simple and effective way to teach children with poor concentration that parents can apply.

How to teach children with poor concentration requires sympathy from parents

Children are often easily distracted by many factors. Therefore, parents need to be patient to help their children practice good habits. Be sympathetic and share with your child, help them not feel uncomfortable when having to sit still for a long time.

Set specific goals for your child to achieve

Depending on each child's personality and learning ability, parents set appropriate learning goals. This way of teaching children with poor concentration is quite effective and creates excitement for children. For example, parents set a goal for their child to complete homework within 20 minutes. When children achieve their goals, they will be very excited and proud of themselves. But if the child has not achieved it, parents should not get angry and scold him. Instead, encourage and guide your child to overcome it.

Pay attention and observe children to find ways to teach children with poor concentration better

Observing children will help parents understand why children are so inattentive. From there, parents can also know what motivation to help children concentrate better.

Let children be their own masters

The role of parents in teaching children with poor concentration is only to support. Therefore, parents should let children be independent and responsible. This will help children practice being proactive in everything and realize that concentration skills are extremely necessary for children.

Let children play games that train concentration

It can be seen that children are often focused and interested in things they like. Therefore, to train your baby's concentration, parents can let them play with intellectual toys that require concentration and patience. And puzzle toys for children are suggestions that parents should not ignore. However, parents should choose puzzles or assembly toys that have a difficulty level appropriate to their age and interests so that children are curious to explore and excitedly participate.

Regularly discuss with the homeroom teacher

Regularly discussing with the homeroom teacher will help parents grasp their child's learning situation and see if the child in class is focusing on learning effectively. Furthermore, sharing and interaction between parents and teachers will easily find the best way to teach children with poor concentration.

With the ways to teach children with poor concentration shared above, hopefully parents will have more useful information to raise their children better. Depending on the personality and condition of each child, parents apply the most appropriate way to teach children with poor concentration.