Share simple and effective ways to teach children math

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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Scientific studies have shown that games and familiar daily activities are very useful in teaching children math . Most wise parents introduce their children to basic mathematical concepts right from preschool age. It can be teaching children numbers, practicing counting through simple objects or games. Or get more advanced by familiarizing your baby with mathematical concepts such as shape, space, and patterns.

These activities are extremely effective in cultivating a passion for math in young children. Furthermore, children also have fun moments of relaxation and exploring the world around them. Parents, let's learn simple ways to teach children math at home in the following article:

How to teach children math with counting tables

The first way parents can teach their children math is to use a counting board. This number game not only trains memory and counting skills but also helps children recognize shapes, colors and develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination in a rhythmic manner.

Make a dish with your baby

Working with your baby in the kitchen is also a way for many parents to teach their children math . It could be letting your child be a kitchen assistant: "Give me 2 spoons of sugar", "Give me 4 spoons of salt". Or I let my child practice the recipe he wants and is ready to help when he needs it.

New number learning train game

To help children get acquainted with numbers, parents can let them learn to count with the lovely number train game . This is a simple LEGO assembly game suitable for children aged 2 and up. From large puzzle pieces made of safe virgin plastic, children will practice basic counting. Furthermore, children will have fun and develop their imagination with many interesting stories.

Let your child participate in cleaning the house

Letting your baby participate in family chores such as cleaning the house will form a habit of orderliness and neatness from an early age. Furthermore, this activity also helps children recognize and distinguish shapes and patterns in mathematics. Parents can guide their children to clean up toys, classify objects by color, large/small size or different designs.

Read books with numbers

Another fun and memorable way to teach your child math is to read books with numbers. Each page of the book has lovely animal images, eye-catching colors associated with numbers that will create excitement for children. Through play, children will develop their thinking, form patience and nurture their rich imagination.

Teach your child to learn math smart with playdough

For children who love playing with play dough , parents should guide their children to shape the numbers. This is a simple way to teach children math to help them have fun while learning math effectively. Colorful numbers created by your baby's own hands will help your baby stay interested and remember them longer. Note, parents should choose number-shaped play dough toys from reputable sources and brands like PLAYDOH to ensure the safety of their baby's health.

How to teach children math with water

Most children like to play with water. Therefore, parents should try to apply this method of teaching their children math when they play with water. Parents can use volume measuring cups and ask the question "How many cups do I have to use now to fill the water bottle?" Guide children to practice and calculate to absorb simple measurement concepts.

Learn math with pencils

Parents can use colorful pencils to teach their children math. You can let your child play a number game like "Bring me 5 pencils" or "Guess how many pencils are on the table?". Through this game, children will practice counting accurately with the number of objects and absorb mathematical concepts more easily.

Play board games

Board games are also an effective way to teach children to learn math smartly. Some interesting games for children and the whole family to learn and play together are seahorse chess , monochrome chess , wooden draw game ... Depending on interests and ages, parents choose appropriate games. Furthermore, these games also help bond family emotions, promote children's thinking and cognitive development.

It can be seen that any activity in daily life can become a smart way to teach children math . Let your child feel that we all use math every day. From there, children will get acquainted and learn in the most natural and easy way.