Revealing great Japanese ways of raising children that Vietnamese parents should learn

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Bật mí những cách dạy con của người Nhật cực hay ba mẹ Việt nên học hỏi


Japanese children are often confident, polite and adapt quickly. At the same time, the children are very active, energetic and have a good spirit of sharing and teamwork. So to create such smart, well-disciplined children, what methods do Japanese parents apply? This article will share Japanese ways of raising children for parents to refer to and learn from.

Japanese ways of raising children

Teaching children requires patience

Children often have the habit of asking the same question over and over again. With the Japanese way of raising children, parents need to patiently answer and explain to their children. Because according to them, young children need at least 3 months to master a task.

Do not let children watch TV

Exposure to television or electronic devices can be addictive and cause serious health and mental harm. Japanese parents are very aware of this problem. Therefore, young children should not watch TV and turn to other more useful activities such as playing with educational toys for children .

Increase exercise

Instead of letting children watch TV, the Japanese way of raising children places great emphasis on physical fitness. Children from a young age - from 2 years old and up - are trained in the habit of exercising for a period of time appropriate to each physical condition. In addition, parents can let their children participate in outdoor activities or play with active toys to exercise every day.

Teach children letters from a young age

Educational research in Japan has shown that children who are taught literacy from an early age will stimulate brain development. Therefore, the earlier children learn to read and write, the better their language and intelligence skills will develop.

Besides, children's memory ability from a young age is high, so it is very good for children to start learning foreign languages ​​early. The ideal time for children to learn a foreign language fluently is 3 to 6 years old. Parents can let their children learn and play with intellectual literacy toys to easily absorb and remember for a long time. Children after the age of 10 can still learn foreign languages, but at this time it is only counter-physiological and has poorer memory.

Teach your children how to research and look up

Another interesting Japanese way of teaching children that Vietnamese parents can refer to is letting children use dictionaries to look up and research. This will help children be proactive and receive knowledge longer. Children will feel excited and learn new things easily.

Praise your baby's specific behavior

In the Japanese way of raising children, parents will praise their children for specific behaviors. If you only praise your child in general terms like "You're so good", your child will develop conceit. Instead, parents should praise the child's behavior, such as "You're so good at brushing your teeth" or "You're so good at dressing yourself." This will help children realize their behavior and try to improve it next time.

Do not criticize your child's mistakes

Criticizing children's mistakes and violations is a common problem in Vietnamese families. But with Japanese parents, everyone makes mistakes sometimes and criticizing them will not make them better. So instead of criticizing their children's mistakes, parents help them understand and learn from them for the next time.

Do not impose or impose

Japanese parents rarely scold their children with negative words like "You are so lazy", "You are so naughty". Because according to them, if they use the method of oppressing and imposing on their children, they will be educated in such a negative way.

Practice discipline

In Japan, discipline is called Shitsuke, often used to refer to training and upbringing. In every family, parents must be a shining example of discipline for children to follow and demonstrate in society. Thanks to this intelligent way of parenting, Japanese children learn well and are highly disciplined.

Train your baby's thinking

If the child is 0-3 years old, the Japanese way of teaching children focuses on memorization, then after the age of 3, thinking training is required. By letting children play with educational toys that help them develop their thinking such as assembly toys , puzzles, painting, coloring or outdoor movement toys such as bicycles , balance bikes ...

Above are some Japanese ways of teaching children that parents can refer to and learn to apply to their babies. These teaching methods will help children develop physically, as well as stimulate their thinking and train their independence and confidence.