Tell your mother about interesting activities to help your baby enjoy reading

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Mách mẹ các hoạt động thú vị giúp bé thích đọc sách


Reading not only helps children develop language skills and creativity, but also contributes to fostering and cultivating intellectual and emotional intelligence. Every child has a certain interest in reading depending on their age. Therefore, parents can completely teach children reading skills early. So how do you get your baby to love reading? Immediately save the following simple but extremely effective activities to help your child love reading.

Talk to children often

Talking is one of the effective activities that helps children enjoy reading. Parents should regularly ask children questions about objects and things around them anytime, anywhere. At the same time, encourage children to describe what they observe. Or simply teach children the names of family members and ask them to name each person.

In addition, parents should make conversations more interesting with humorous situations. Don't forget to reward your child with small gifts when he tries to tell you a story.

Read books to children every day

The next activity to help your child love reading is to read books to your child every day. It could be a child's favorite book, fairy tales or books about life skills...

While reading, let your baby see the illustrations or words in the book. Pay attention to pronouncing words loudly and clearly so that your baby can easily associate images and specific vocabulary. After that, parents can encourage children to tell the story themselves by looking at the pictures and words in the book they read.

Contact with the real world

Another activity that helps children enjoy reading is to relate what they read to the real world. For example, when teaching children about fruits in books, parents show them real fruits and spell the names of each type. Or take your child to the zoo, amusement park, or hometown to see the animals so they can easily relate to what is in the book.

Create opportunities for children to practice

In order for children to be able to recognize, pronounce and read letters fluently, parents should create opportunities for children to read and write. Parents can also encourage children to pronounce the letters they see. When children master the alphabet, parents should give specific practice exercises such as filling in missing letters and writing down the alphabet that parents pronounce.

Sing along to the lyrics

Another activity that parents should not miss to help their children enjoy reading is to sing along with their children. Start with simple songs like ABC, then move on to more difficult songs to practice rhyming and phonics skills.

Play a game of charades

Games such as word matching and charades will help children increase concentration and learn vocabulary effectively. Therefore, parents can let their children play these games with memory cards and notes to improve their children's phonics and reading comprehension skills.

Use familiar objects

Children can also use household objects to increase their love of reading. For example, use sticky notes to write names of objects in the house and then ask children to stick notes on each corresponding object.

Toy alphabet

Parents can buy their baby a toy alphabet to help them play and learn. For children who have mastered letters, parents can arrange the letters to form words and teach children to understand the meaning of words. Parents pronounce a word and then point to an object so that the baby can better understand the meaning of the word.

Above are activities to help children love reading that many parents apply. To teach children to love reading, parents need to combine encouraging many skills for children as well as creating opportunities for children to come into contact with books from an early age. Gradually, children will have the habit and passion for reading. Don't forget to follow Mykingdom's " Handbook " section for more useful information for parents!