Tell mothers the secret to teaching children effective self-service skills

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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Self-service skills play an important role in young children's development. This skill not only helps children develop comprehensively both physically and mentally, but is also an opportunity for children to learn how to control themselves and become more mature in life.

From the time a child is 1 year old, parents can teach children self-service skills. In the beginning, children's self-service skills may be clumsy. But children will certainly be extremely excited to learn new skills and do things on their own like adults. Therefore, parents should coordinate with schools in teaching children self-service skills to form good habits. In this article, Mykingdom will share tips to help parents teach children self-service skills right at home.

What is teaching children self-service skills?

Teaching children self-service skills is understood as guiding children to become familiar with self-care, daily activities in communication and behavior. It can be feeding yourself, brushing your teeth, dressing yourself, cleaning up your own toys, voluntarily helping those around you...

If parents do not teach children self-service skills, children will not be able to be proactive and independent. Most children who lack self-service skills often live selfish lives, only caring about themselves. Besides, children will lack creativity and rely on their parents' care and protection. Whenever children encounter difficult situations in life, they feel confused and do not know how to handle them.

Necessary self-service skills parents need to teach children

Self-feeding skills

Self-feeding skills are one of the self-service skills that parents should teach children early. Babies as young as 6 months old can pick up food and put it in their mouths. 9 months onwards, using a self-feeding spoon. And over 1 year old can use chopsticks to pick up.

Although children are initially clumsy and spill a lot of food, parents should be patient and create conditions for their children to practice. This not only teaches children self-service skills but also helps them feel more excited about each meal, limiting picky eating.

Water fetching and drinking skills

In addition to self-feeding skills, parents should teach children self-service skills by letting them get and drink their own water. Remember to remind your child to get enough water to drink and avoid pouring water out. After the child finishes drinking water, parents guide the child to put the cup back in its original position to create neat and tidy habits.

Dressing skills

This is also a necessary skill that parents need to teach their children from an early age. It sounds difficult, but if parents are patient and guide their children through each operation, they will definitely be able to do it themselves.

Hand washing skills

Before teaching children this self-service skill, parents should explain the benefits of hand washing, which will help keep children's hands clean and eliminate bacteria that are harmful to health. Then, parents model the steps to wash hands properly for their children to learn.

Brushing skills

Teaching children this self-service skill will help them practice proper oral care habits. Parents should guide children to brush their teeth in specific steps. Please accompany and observe carefully to make sure your child does it right, avoiding harm to their teeth.

Housework skills

Children from preschool age can help their parents with simple housework such as picking vegetables, looking after younger siblings, folding clothes, sweeping the floor... Depending on the child's age and ability, parents assign housework. Fit. This helps children feel important, responsible and able to help others. Parents should also not forget to praise and encourage their children every time they complete an assigned task.

Suggest ways to teach children simple self-service skills

Teaching children self-service skills will be more interesting and easier when parents use some of the following support tools:

Children toy

Parents can buy toys suitable for their children's age and interests to teach them self-service skills. Currently on the market there are many types of toys such as role-playing toys , dolls , kitchen - supermarket toys ... Children will play and learn many useful things, practice changing clothes, and take care of babies. children, how to take care of their teeth, help their mother with housework...

Books, music, movies

These are also great support tools for parents to teach children self-service skills. Parents can read books to their children (Kitten brushes teeth, Miu Miu is independent - scoops rice...), songs (Baby learns to brush teeth, Kitten goes to school, Baby is very good...) Or watch movies (Peppa Pig...) that are both fun, age-appropriate and educational to inspire your child to practice self-service skills.

Rewards table

Young children are often interested when they receive words of encouragement from their parents. Therefore, parents can "plan" through reward boards to teach children self-service skills. Every time children do some work on their own, parents will use stickers to mark it and give them weekly rewards.

It can be seen that teaching children self-service skills is essential for children to form independence and good habits. Hopefully the above article will help parents teach their children the best self-service skills. Don't forget to follow Mykingdom's " Handbook " section to learn more articles.