How to teach children to recognize colors and numbers?

06.06.2023   BTV huy.tranminh
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Many parents wonder about their children's ability to learn and remember colors, especially between the ages of 2 and 4 years old. Many parents have expressed concern: Will my baby have any vision problems? Why does my child say the wrong color name even after teaching it over and over again? This concern often occurs when children begin to practice counting numbers.


Cone cells play an important role in color perception by receiving different short and long wavelengths of light. Report of Professor. Donald D. Hoffman, University of California once shared: Actually, children already have a "ready color palette" from the time they turn 4 months old. The color palette is based on how children see the world, and the order of their color palette list is based on which color they prefer.

Another very interesting thing that very few people know is: "Color recognition in children can be different from adults because it depends on the light when looking at objects."

One thing we need to know more about. For example, when you buy clothes, the shirt is very beautiful when you try it on in the store, but when you buy it, you feel that the color is not the right color and it looks worse when you wear it on the street. The only difference is the lighting system. Therefore, fashion experts recommend that you try on clothes near the window to be able to recognize the correct color in which you will wear it (if you wear it to work/on the road). The color palette your child will develop may not be the same as yours, perhaps lighter or darker.

Learning to call "color names" is a difficult lesson in children's language maturity. Children often have difficulty calling the correct "color names" that match the colors in their color chart. This difficulty also depends on the type of language used. Just like remembering the name of a Japanese friend in class is not easy if you first hear him introduce himself. This is similar to English friends when remembering the name of a Vietnamese friend.

This is also confirmed by Professor. Anna Franklin, University of Sussex, UK once shared in the CATEGORIES project, funded by the European Research Council in 2014. Until children learn to correctly call a color name, from that color name they will follow order to recognize the remaining colors naturally./.

The world of color language for children before the age of 4 is very difficult to define accurately. For example, children do not really understand "what red is", when you say "red", children need to learn to understand the word "color". red" when connected to the color table. Learning the names of colors and saying more than 2 colors correctly is something only a few children can do at the age of 2-3 years old, so it is also normal for children to say things wrong about colors.


Research by the group of Dr. Michael Ramscar, Stanford University, USA, on 41 children aged 23 - 29 months, found: Learning colors will be more difficult than identifying the names of certain objects or animals. Children will often learn to define shapes first and temporarily call them "proper nouns", defining properties will come later.

For example, you point to a rabbit and say "rabbit", the child uses the word "rabbit" as a proper noun to pre-define characteristics about animals that are similar to rabbits, not paying attention to whether animals are similar to rabbits or not. How white is a rabbit? That is, children tend to learn the names of objects/animals first, then properties such as color and quantity will be learned later.


Based on the development rules just mentioned above, Dr. Melody dye, Stanford University has given a few suggestions to help parents and teachers have better orientation in teaching children about colors and numbers:

1. Parents should take advantage of surrounding objects or animals to teach children to recognize colors. This not only creates a feeling of closeness but is also extremely effective.

2. Then, teach children about the colors or numbers associated with that object/animal.

For example, if you hold a red tomato, you say: The tomato is red or has 3 leaves (if you hold 3 leaves). You can teach colors and numbers to your child independently. When your child recognizes a color, you can combine and use rhetorical questions to train your child's awareness.

For example, “There are 3 green leaves” when you hold each leaf and count 1-2-3 and can ask rhetorically like this: “How many green leaves are there in your hand, Mom? This process will ease your child's learning of colors and numbers. Don't worry even if your child says something wrong, just correct him gradually and he will practice on his own. After 4 years old, children will arrange and recognize the color palette by themselves, the number of colors they know will increase and the accuracy of counting will also increase.

According to Professor. Hoffman, the color order you can refer to and teach your baby is as follows: White, Black, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Brown. brown), Gray, Pink, Orange and Purple. Just start with 1-2 colors first.

About counting: Children under 3 years old can count to 5. From 3-4 years old, count to 10. From 4-5 years old, can count to 20.


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