When should parents teach children reading skills?

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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Education experts around the world recommend that parents should teach children reading skills early because this activity contributes greatly to children's development. So when can parents teach their children reading skills? Let's find out with the article below.

At what age should parents teach children reading skills?

According to experts from the American Academy of Pediatrics, parents should read books to their babies every day from the time they are 6 months old. Because this is the stage when babies begin to be curious and interested in looking at books.

According to Jim Trelease, a longtime reading expert and author of the book Read Aloud Handbook, parents can introduce their babies to reading activities from the time they are born.

Maybe parents don't know, from April onwards, the fetus's brain is complete and can feel the mother's activities, and can express emotions through movements, kicks, and taps. Even though the baby cannot yet understand what the parents are reading or telling, the words and rhythm in the book will certainly help a lot in developing the child's brain.

And the first 8 years of a child's life are considered the golden period for parents to best guide their personality, habits and development. Therefore, teaching children reading skills is never too early and never too late. If parents don't know when to teach their children reading skills, start now.

Skills that help children learn to read

To teach children reading skills, parents need to understand and teach children necessary skills such as:

Recognize phonemes

Phonemes are the sounds made when pronouncing a letter or word. To teach children reading skills, children must first know about phonemes. Children 1 year and older can recognize some important sounds. Babies can learn phonemes by listening to the pronunciation of family members.

Teaching letters to children

Teaching letters to children is also an important skill that parents need to pay attention to. Children must know how to identify each individual letter as well as how to use it in a word. Children aged 3 years and older can recognize shapes, names and writing of letters so they can read easily.

Teaching phonics to children

This is a skill that helps children connect sounds and shapes in the written form of letters. Teaching children about phonics helps them identify letters and find the correct pronunciation.

Teach children reading skills

Once children have a solid grasp of phonemes and phonetics, they can read. Therefore, parents should teach their children reading skills regularly so that they can read books fluently.

Teaching children vocabulary

Vocabulary is the words that children learn and are exposed to. The more vocabulary a child knows, the better their reading comprehension level. Through reading and listening, children can learn more new words.


Comprehension shows how children understand the meaning of what they read. To acquire this skill, children must be taught about letters, writing, and understanding the meaning of single words.

The ability to perceive the world

Children's ability to perceive the world around them is formed very early. The deeper children's awareness, the easier it is for them to absorb new knowledge.

Even before school age, children still have a number of skills related to reading comprehension such as:

- Holding a book: Children hold a book, turn each page and get acquainted with the letters and images in the book.

- Association: Children can recognize images in books and connect with things and objects in reality.

- Memorize: Even though children cannot read yet, they can remember what their parents read and tell them.

However, not all children have the same abilities. And teaching children reading skills requires the perseverance and companionship of parents.

Hopefully this article will help parents better understand when to teach children reading skills. From there, choose an effective way to teach children to read, both increasing the bond between parents and children and bringing many benefits to the child's development. Don't forget to follow Mykingdom's " Handbook " section for more useful information for parents!