Instructions on how to properly teach your child how to write in preparation for entering 1st grade

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Hướng dẫn cách dạy con tập viết chuẩn bị vào lớp 1 đúng chuẩn


Teaching children to write before entering first grade is an issue that many parents are concerned about. Many parents decide to send their children to literacy "furnaces" or entrust this responsibility to teachers. However, any parent can accompany their child if they understand the correct ways to teach their child to practice writing. Join Mykingdom to learn simple and effective ways to teach your children to write right below.

Teach your child to hold a pen correctly

In order for children to have correct and beautiful handwriting, parents need to guide them how to hold a pen correctly. When children first start writing, they tend to hold and press the pen very strongly. This causes children to easily tire and feel tired. Therefore, parents should teach their children to hold a pen with 3 fingers and hold moderately. The index finger and thumb stabilize the pen. The middle finger is placed under the pen to support the pen. When practicing writing, the wrist should be straight and the pen should be tilted down the middle of the thumb and index finger.

Teach your child the correct sitting posture

Correct sitting posture will help children feel comfortable and learn to write more easily. In addition, correct sitting posture also ensures that children do not suffer from neck and shoulder fatigue, scoliosis, or nearsightedness. First, parents need to prepare desks and chairs of the right size and suitable for the child's body shape.

When sitting, children must maintain a neat posture, straight back, not resting their chest on the table, shoulders slightly slumped, head slightly bowed and tilted a little to the left. Keep your eyes at a distance of about 25-30cm from the notebook. In addition, children should hold the pen with their right hand, their left hand lightly resting on the edge of the notebook to keep the page steady, with their legs comfortably parallel.

Teach your child how to drag a pen

Dragging the pen is the act of controlling and moving the nib of the pen gently but still ensuring it touches the paper. In other words, parents need to teach their children how to control the force in the wrist moderately. This way of teaching your child to practice writing will help your child write letters seamlessly, without excess lines, broken lines or scattered lines.

Teach your child to practice writing basic strokes

Basic strokes will be the foundation for children to write complete letters. Therefore, parents need to teach children to recognize and write basic strokes fluently. However, to ensure children distinguish and write basic strokes correctly, parents should buy pre-printed writing books. Some basic strokes for children to practice writing first grade letters such as straight strokes, curved strokes, hooked strokes, missing strokes, dotted strokes...

Teach your child where to place the pen and where to stop

When learning to write, children often get confused when placing or stopping the pen. Parents need to explain to children the concept of: Pen point (starting point to write a stroke in a letter or word), pen stopping point (end point of the stroke). At the same time, parents need to teach their children how to gently lift the nib of the pen without having to lift their wrist. Applying this method of teaching your child to practice writing regularly will help your child write letters easily, creating letters with bold, clear, elegant strokes.

Teach children to practice writing in groups of letters

After a few weeks, children will get used to holding a pen, sitting in the correct position and writing basic strokes. At this time, parents should practice for children to write in each group of letters, including: Group of lowercase letters, group of capital letters, group of artistic capital letters. Each group of letters will have its own requirements. Therefore, parents need to patiently introduce and help children identify and write letters correctly.

Teach children to practice writing numbers

The last way to teach children to write is to teach them to write numbers. When preparing to enter grade 1, children already know how to count numbers and recognize numbers. Parents just need to teach children to write numbers correctly.

Hopefully the above ways to teach your children to write will help parents prepare the strongest preparation for their children to enter grade 1. Wishing you success and your child having the most beautiful first handwriting. Don't forget to follow Mykingdom's " Handbook " section to see more useful articles.