Correct understanding of self-service skills in preschool children

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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Preschool children are often hyperactive and learn very quickly. Children always want to express themselves and do things like adults. Therefore, in addition to the book knowledge taught at school, parents need to guide children in the necessary skills to serve themselves. Let's learn more about the self-service skills of preschool children in this article:

What are preschool children's self-service skills?

Preschool children's self-service skills are self-care skills such as feeding themselves, dressing themselves, cleaning themselves, cleaning up toys, and voluntarily helping others with chores. fit your ability... These are all necessary skills to help children develop comprehensively physically and mentally. From there, children will form good habits and lifestyles later on.

Why should parents teach self-service skills to children?

Preschool children's self-service skills involve basic daily living activities and communication. Teaching children self-service skills will bring the following benefits:

- Children are aware and take good care of themselves in all situations.

- Develop gross and fine motor skills, work carefully and neatly.

- Children have the ability to make plans, goals and persevere in implementation.

- Children develop creative thinking, concentration and problem-solving ability.

- Children are confident, independent in life, and in control of themselves.

- Have an interest in helping people around, expanding social relationships.

- Easily adapt to many different environments.

- Children are responsible for their work and grateful when they receive help.

Self-service skills in children according to each age

At each age, children need to develop appropriate skills. Because if the skill is too simple, it will make children bored. Skills that are too complicated will easily frustrate children. Below are self-service skills for preschool children appropriate for each age.

Children from 12-18 months: Children can wash their hands, wipe their hands, hold a spoon, hold a brush...

Children from 18-24 months: Children begin to feed themselves, hold a drinking cup, wash their face and hands, brush their teeth, take off their pants, put clothes in the closet...

Children 2-3 years old: Children clean up their own dishes after eating, pour water into cups, dress themselves, put on shoes without laces...

Children from 3-4 years old: Children can button shirts, tie shoelaces, bathe and make their beds, wash cups, perform simple cooking skills such as breaking eggs, slicing bananas...

Children from 4-6 years old: Children know how to choose and wear appropriate clothes, use a broom and mop, wash fruits/dishes, pick vegetables, cut ingredients with a safe knife...

Three important steps help children build self-service skills

Companionship and patience

Teaching children self-service skills requires the companionship and patience of parents. Therefore, parents need to take time to guide and encourage their children to do things on their own gradually to build confidence and courage. Then continue to supervise and watch your child practice these self-service skills until they can do it alone.

Plan and practice

Parents, please plan with your children to implement self-service skills such as daily schedules and become healthy habits. When first starting out, parents teach their children age-appropriate skills and levels from easy to difficult.

Preschool children love to imitate, so the best way to teach service skills is by modeling. Therefore, parents should give instructions in easy-to-understand words and practice regularly until children do it correctly.

Encourage and acknowledge

Parents, encourage your children to try to follow instructions on their own. Don't forget to help when your child needs support. Besides, children will be extremely excited when their parents recognize and praise them every time they complete new skills. This helps children motivate themselves to continue their learning journey.

Hopefully the above article will help parents better understand how to teach self-service skills to preschool children. This will help children have the opportunity to take care of themselves, build independence, and the ability to solve problems from an early age. From there, creating a solid foundation for children to be successful in the future. Don't forget to follow Mykingdom's " Handbook " section to learn more articles.