Revealing 3 signs of children with low EQ to prevent and resolve

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Hé lộ 3 dấu hiệu nhận biết trẻ có EQ thấp để phòng ngừa và giải quyết


Children with low EQ often find it difficult to succeed because they always feel self-conscious and have difficulty in both communication and behavior, causing relationships around them to not go smoothly. Or on the contrary, you are too arrogant about your own abilities and not aware of your own abilities, so you refuse to face reality and are afraid of obstacles in life.

Therefore, right from when their children are young, parents need to pay attention to monitoring their child's EQ - emotional index - and promptly detect abnormalities in the process of developing emotional intelligence to take measures. support and improve efficiency. Parents can refer to the following signs to recognize children with low EQ to correct their children from a young age.

Signs that children have low EQ: often lose their temper

The first sign that a child has low EQ is in terms of emotional control. This is also the most typical and common symptom but is easily overlooked by parents, because they think that the child is just acting spoiled and needs attention. The truth is no, children will continue to be like that if parents do not teach and discipline them from now on. Children with low emotional quotients often cry, scream, resist or even tend to perform negative behaviors, destroy things, and attack people around them, especially when not in control. needs are met.

Parents should discipline their children early so that their children's personalities will be more perfect when they grow up

According to experts, signs of a child having low EQ will appear very early, from when they are only 1 year old. Children with low EQ have difficulty controlling their own emotions and cannot control their anger, so they easily cause incorrect and inappropriate behaviors. These children are very easily influenced by external factors. Sometimes, just an unexpected situation like it's raining on a day out, there's no more milk your baby likes to drink in the refrigerator... can make children become agitated and lose their temper.

Does not accept own mistakes, likes to blame

The second sign that children have low EQ is that they often tend to find ways to blame others. I never admit my own mistakes and do not accept anyone's judgment. In addition, children often complain about everything that happens around them and feel that nothing can make them happy.

Children who show signs of low EQ as mentioned above will lack empathy, they will not care about the feelings of others but only focus on criticizing and blaming them. The worst case is when children are completely unaware that they are "rubbing salt in the wound" of others and think it is frankness, which is really difficult to explain to them. Limited emotional intelligence makes children less confident and afraid to admit their own mistakes. This gradually causes children to lose good relationships and find it difficult to achieve success in life.

Children lacking emotions will be quite selfish, often criticizing and blaming

When parents criticize, criticize or complain, children's emotions will explode. Your child may cry, tantrum, make noise, and make future conversations more difficult. Because children feel they are not wrong, but everyone thinks they are not right, even their parents are not on their side. Therefore, when seeing signs that a child has low EQ, parents should give their child feedback on the problem tactfully and flexibly.

Inability to withstand challenges

Children who show signs of low EQ will have difficulty assessing situations and may not be able to perceive stressors. On the contrary, people with high EQ tend to make better decisions, stay calm under pressure and stress, resolve conflicts tactfully, respond positively to constructive feedback, works well with others and demonstrates leadership abilities.

Children with low emotional intelligence often have poor problem-solving abilities. Children do not have the ability to think flexibly and creatively to find methods and solutions to cope with pressure. Therefore, it will be difficult for children to find reasonable solutions for each situation, eventually leading to easy breakdown and avoidance whenever they encounter obstacles. Parents need to support and guide each step so that their children receive timely support, thereby understanding the situation and learning problem-solving skills as well as communication skills when needing help.

Signs that children have low EQ: cannot accept failure

In case of detecting signs of low EQ in their children, parents should immediately use measures to improve this situation through talking, accompanying and clarifying thoughts. You can buy your childsimulation toys to nurture their emotions from an early age to improve their EQ. Don't forget to refer to the article How to develop EQ in children so they can excel !