Suggest simple games to help children develop reasoning skills

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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Logical reasoning skills help children learn and absorb knowledge effectively. From there, children can easily solve problems and achieve their goals in study and life. Therefore, developing logical reasoning skills for children is of interest to many parents. Within the framework of this article, Mykingdom will suggest games that develop reasoning skills that are both good and useful. Parents, please refer to the following.

Imitation game

Imitation is the process of copying sounds and behaviors from surrounding people, movie characters or different animals. According to psychology, the imitation mechanism can take place unconsciously or consciously, absolutely or partially, creatively or purely, voluntarily or compulsively. This is not only a game that develops effective reasoning skills but also helps children form behavioral standards and self-service skills.

Game of finding similar pictures

The next game to develop reasoning skills is the game of finding similar shapes. Parents can flexibly apply many different versions of this game to let children explore the shapes, colors, and sizes of objects while playing. Only then will children increase their ability to recognize, develop reasoning skills, memory and attention.

Jigsaw Puzzle

With jigsaw puzzles, children will practice memory and logical thinking through images and concepts such as high/low, more/less. This game that develops reasoning skills will help children improve their creativity and imagination. Therefore, parents should join their children in conquering challenges to create excitement and fun.

Word matching game

Word matching is a game that develops reasoning skills for children who can read and write. This game will help children improve their reasoning speed, thinking and vocabulary. Furthermore, children learn many new words and grasp spelling rules better.

Puzzle game

When it comes to games that develop reasoning skills, puzzles should definitely not be overlooked. This game is not only interesting but also helps children develop their reasoning and logical thinking skills. At the same time, children also train their imagination, perseverance and concentration through play.


Chess is also an interesting game that develops reasoning skills. Because this game requires children to have concentration, good memory as well as the ability to judge and solve problems wisely. Therefore, if you have free time, parents should play chess with their children so that they can learn and play effectively.

Above are suggestions for games to develop children's reasoning skills that are both interesting and useful. To choose genuine educational toys and smart toys that are suitable for each age and help children develop both physically and intellectually, parents should visit Mykingdom's website at: : .