Toys can also help children develop independence and creativity

06.06.2023   BTV huy.tranminh
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Vietnamese children are developing too much according to their parents' wishes, instead of choosing their own and natural way to develop.

Many parents, just because they hear friends and grandparents complimenting them about their children's fatness, try to "fatten" their children in their own way without knowing whether being fat is really good for their children.

Another example, looking at someone whose child goes to college, the parents also want their child to go to college like someone else's child, but the parents don't know that their child might like another major like fashion design. For example, you may become a good expert later. But the child failed the college entrance exam, suffered a lot of criticism from everyone, and lost the opportunity to live and do what he likes.

Another aspect of learning is that today's children are also suffering. They have to sit in school during the day and attend extra classes at night, even learning to play music and dance. In fact, children's brain development requires their own independent and creative space. Studying too much will not make your child naturally intelligent, but will only contribute to your child's lack of social communication.

Do you really want your baby to be happy and healthy before stepping out to explore this beautiful world? Let children have space to think, decide, and be independent for themselves.


Prof. Dr. da Rose Florez, Arizona State University, USA emphasized that all daily activities need to give children space to make decisions, be independent, and be creative in their own way. This is how young brains work best. Professor Da Rose Florez also added: Parents should not be too disappointed when they ask a 5-year-old child to draw a dog and he paints it red because he likes his dog to wear the same red dress as him.

The neural connections in the brain will have the opportunity to develop, giving children more creativity and different and more successful thinking than children who are only taught by their parents and given stereotypical, uncreative concepts.


* Instead of forbidding children to play and touch everything, parents should let them experience things their way but still safely control the outside area.

For example, take your child to the park, where there are many leaves of all kinds falling on the yard, let him find the leaves he likes, and freely listen to him explain why he likes this leaf.

Children younger than 2 years old can let them play with objects such as covering pots or stacking cups together. Don't be afraid that these objects will hurt your baby, but choose expensive toys. Children need to understand the world around them through their own experiences, expensive toys are not the world around them.

You can teach your baby how to feed fish or how to pet a dog (but you still make sure to control the situation, the aquarium must be out of reach of the baby or not pose a danger such as drowning the baby, your dog should Make sure the dog listens to you completely.) [children with animal fur allergies should not come into contact with animals]

* Give your baby the freedom to choose what they think, never think that what you think is right for your baby, your baby will think completely differently from you, because the way your baby's brain works is different from yours, your brain works based on experience. Before that, the baby had no previous experiences, he only had his creativity and interests, his brain was pure for nerve cells to freely connect and unlink.

For example: Give your child a box of crayons and paper of different materials, and let him draw and color as he pleases. Your baby doesn't experience green leaves the way your brain does, unless you've shown him green leaves at the park. Therefore, it is nothing more normal for children to draw black leaves. Simply tell your child: tomorrow, your parents will take you to the park to see what color the leaves are. After coming back from the park, your child draws a yellow-orange leaf. Don't scold him for anything. Listen to the child's reason for drawing that way. You will hear a very cute explanation: "Dad just asked me to pick it up." The leaves fall on the ground, but all the leaves are orange-yellow, Dad."

* Let your baby help you do some chores around the house

For example, encourage children from 12 months old to help you pick up toys to put in the basket, pick up socks of the same type (from 18 months old) to put in the basket, help you pick up green and red vegetables (babies from 3 years old). Simply always encourage your baby to do these things when they are happy and want to help you

* Let your baby's immune system work at its strongest

For example: don't be afraid to let your baby walk through shallow puddles of rainwater, don't be afraid to let your baby play in the sand, don't be afraid to let your baby play with soap bubbles. Simply wash your baby's hands thoroughly afterward. Let your baby enjoy the rest and test his or her immune system.


At Mykingdom, each toy is carefully researched and designed to help children develop all senses, encourage children to actively play, be eager to learn and explore, always ensure absolute safety and promote Developing different aspects of children is encouraged by play, giving them a safe choice when promoting learning and development in children.

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