Principles of behavior during Tet that parents should teach their children

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Những nguyên tắc ứng xử trong ngày Tết ba mẹ nên dạy trẻ


Tet is not only an opportunity for children to have fun and experience traditional customs of the nation, but also an ideal time for parents to skillfully teach children how to behave properly. This will help children develop social skills, build personality and love from an early age.

Below are important behavioral principles that parents can teach their children during the holidays.

Teach children about the meaning of Lunar New Year customs

For young children, Tet is simply a time to have fun, receive gifts and receive lucky money from grandparents, parents and relatives. However, parents should take advantage of this holiday time so that children can better understand the customs of the Lunar New Year such as Tet Ong Cong Ong Tao, visiting ancestors' graves, wrapping banh chung and banh tet, digging into the ground... These things will help children understand and appreciate the traditional cultural values ​​of the nation. Furthermore, children also have valuable experiential lessons to develop their thinking and intellectual abilities.

Teach children to wish Tet well and politely

Not only adults need to wish each other, but children should also learn how to wish Tet to bring joy to everyone. Depending on each age, parents teach their children appropriate New Year wishes. For small children, practice giving simple, short wishes. Older children can wish long sentences, poems or folk songs with rhyme and meaning. It is important that when wishing your baby, you must show happiness, politeness and confidence.

Teach children how to behave when receiving lucky money on Tet

Any child likes to receive lucky money. However, to avoid "laughing or crying" situations when receiving lucky money, parents should teach their children how to behave properly. Help children understand the meaning of lucky money on Tet as a form of wishing good luck to the recipient, no matter how much the lucky money is worth. Besides, parents need to teach their children how to say thank you when receiving lucky money, and not to tear the lucky money bag in front of guests.

Teach children how to behave when eating and drinking

On Tet holidays, families often hold parties for guests. But young children are often hyperactive, refuse to sit still, but often run, jump, and make trouble. The best solution is for parents to proactively prepare their baby's favorite toys for them to play with.

For children who are slow or lazy eaters, parents can let their children eat a little and then go home to eat. Children should not be forced to eat, especially when they are guests.

Teach children to be a generous host

Parents should teach their children how to warmly entertain guests, such as bringing water and serving food, depending on the child's ability. Children need to have a polite attitude and behave politely with elders. When adults talk to each other, children are not allowed to play loudly or interrupt, argue or comment. Parents need to pay close attention to promptly prevent children's inappropriate actions.

In addition, parents should teach children how to behave when seeing off guests. Parents should also not comment after guests have left because this will cause children to follow suit, creating bad habits.

Teach children how to behave when being guests

When parents go to wish New Year to relatives and relatives, never hesitate to bring their children along. Because this is the ideal time to teach children how to behave when being guests and help them be confident and bold when facing strange situations. Before going anywhere, parents should tell their children, as well as instruct them how to address people there. When arriving, parents need to proactively introduce their children so that they feel cared for and respected.

Besides, parents should train their children to proactively greet people when visiting other people's houses. And children should also know how to say thank you when receiving enthusiastic hospitality from the host.

Teaching children how to behave is a journey that requires patience from parents. This is very necessary for children to know how to behave properly and form their future character. Parents, please take advantage of Tet to prepare this valuable luggage so that your children can walk steadily in life, always receiving love and respect from everyone around them. Don't forget to follow the articles in Mykingdom's Handbook section for more useful information.