Teach children proper behavior skills when receiving Tet lucky money

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Dạy trẻ kỹ năng ứng xử đúng mực khi nhận lì xì Tết


Another new spring has come, everyone has the opportunity to gather warmly together again. Children can wear new clothes, go on spring trips with their parents, go to celebrate New Year with their grandparents and relatives, enjoy many attractive traditional dishes... And especially, on the first days of the year, children You will receive lots of red envelopes.

However, there are many "half laughing, half crying" situations that happen when children receive lucky money. Some children forget to thank the person giving lucky money, some children just open it right in front of them as soon as they receive it, some children even complain that the lucky money is too small... To make Tet a perfect one, the whole family is happy, parents should help their children. Understand more about the custom of giving lucky money on Tet and teach children how to behave properly when receiving lucky money from adults.

Explain to children the meaning of the custom of giving lucky money on Tet

Giving lucky money on Tet is a long-standing custom of Asian countries and Vietnam. There are many stories about the origin of this custom. The story goes that, in the past, in the East Sea region, many monsters appeared that caused harm to the people. The fairies in the lower world must constantly guard. However, at New Year's Eve every year, when the fairies return to heaven, the demons begin to act strangely. They sneak into homes with young children, harass and cause illness to the children.

Once, eight fairies passed by a house. Seeing this, they immediately turned into coins lying next to the children. The children's parents wrapped the coins in a red cloth and placed them under their pillows. When the monster saw the shining coin, he was afraid and disappeared.

Nowadays, Tet lucky money has also changed a lot with many new styles. Besides red envelopes, adults also often give children gifts that are more practical and meaningful. Depending on your child's personality and preferences, give your child appropriate gifts. It could be a new bike , a good book or a smart toy for your baby ... No matter what the gift is, the meaning of the custom of giving lucky money remains unchanged, adults give lucky money gifts to each other. young children with wishes of good health, good study, and fast growth.

To teach children how to behave properly when receiving Tet lucky money, parents need to help children understand that lucky money only has spiritual meaning, expressing the love and affection of adults for children, with the hope that the child will always be healthy. , have fun, study well. Happy New Year for older people will mean wishes for good health, long and happy life with children and grandchildren.

Teach children how to behave properly when receiving Tet lucky money

Teach your child to be grateful when receiving lucky money

Parents should help children understand that when they receive wishes and love from others, they themselves must share the joy and luck with the other person. Therefore, when teaching children how to behave politely on Tet holiday when receiving lucky money, they must first know how to say thank you. In addition, parents should guide their children to always receive things with both hands when adults give them and to say thank you without parents reminding them.

Teach your child not to open lucky money immediately upon receiving it

To avoid awkward situations when receiving Tet lucky money, such as children opening the envelope as soon as they receive it, criticizing the small amount of lucky money... parents need to explain to their children that lucky money only means good luck and happiness. looks, not the value of the money. At the same time, parents should regularly teach children how to behave tactfully so that they can practice even when parents are not around to remind them.

Teach children to wish Tet simply and meaningfully

Parents can think of a few simple, memorable and meaningful wishes for their children to learn. For example, when wishing grandparents, they wish good health and a long life of a hundred years; When you wish your aunt and uncle, the new year will be prosperous and everything will go well... Besides, parents should help your child understand that when receiving Tet wishes from him, everyone will feel very happy.

Instruct children how to manage and use Tet lucky money

When receiving lucky money, most children are very excited and can make many plans to spend money on their favorite items. To avoid wasteful use, parents should share with their children the secrets to using lucky money appropriately. This is also the right time to teach children financial management skills in the future.

Use lucky money for practical items

Instead of trying to "confiscate" the child's lucky money, parents should clearly communicate that the child will have full rights to use the lucky money appropriately. For example, children can use lucky money to buy LEGO sets , control planes that they like, buy books, necessary school supplies... With the remaining money, parents should Encourage your child to put away the "piggy bank" to use for unplanned expenses or contribute to buying an item for the family. Surely the children will be very willing and feel very happy.

Plan your spending for the whole year

In many families, the lucky money the child receives will be pocket money for the whole year. Parents can guide their children to make a monthly plan so that they can calculate their expenses properly.

Use lucky money for charitable activities

Besides personal expenses, lucky money can be used for a better meaning: charity. Parents can encourage their children to use part of their lucky money to help more difficult situations in society. This is also a good time to teach children how to behave with generosity and kindness that parents can refer to.

The days of Tan Suu 2021 are coming very close. Besides preparing and buying enough for the whole family, parents should not forget to teach their children how to behave properly during Tet. Understanding the origin of lucky money and knowing how to behave delicately with people will help children become more mature.