How to effectively teach time management skills to children?

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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Time management is one of the important life skills that parents should teach their children from an early age. Children with this skill will know how to properly allocate and arrange their time, and easily cope with future work pressures. However, teaching time management skills to children is not simple. Parents need to have the right way to teach time management skills to their children to bring the best results. Here are some ways parents can refer to teaching time management skills to their children:

When should parents teach time management skills to children?

In life, everyone needs to know how to manage time, whether they are children or adults. This skill makes an important contribution to each person's development and self-improvement process. For young children, time management skills help them know how to allocate time for playing, studying and resting. During the process of children forming awareness and controlling their actions and thoughts, parents need to coordinate with the school to teach time management skills to children. Specifically, children aged 3 years and older can begin to interact and learn time management skills with many interesting activities.

Ways to teach time management skills to children

To teach time management skills to children, parents must be their children's companions and guides. Furthermore, parents need to work hard to explore and research the most suitable methods and ways to teach management skills to children to achieve the highest efficiency. Below are some ways to teach time management skills to children that many parents apply:

Teach your child how to use the clock

The clock is the item that shows time most clearly. Therefore, teaching children to watch the clock is the easiest way for parents to understand time management skills that parents should apply. In addition to the wall clock in the house, parents can prepare a suitable desk clock or wristwatch for their children.

When children know how to read a clock, they will understand the concepts and value of time. For example, children can imagine how long 10 minutes or 1 hour is, from which they can arrange their personal work to suit the time they have.

In addition, parents should teach children simple time words so that they understand the activities of time such as " Before watching TV, you need to do all these exercises ". Parents should limit saying general words such as " later, later... " which makes children unable to determine the specific time, leading to dependence and not paying attention to time.

Arrange work in order of priority

Arranging tasks in order of priority is also an effective way to teach time management skills to children. Children will know all the specific tasks that need to be done, especially which ones should be done first and which ones should be done later. For example, today children have a lot of homework to do, but tomorrow there is a math test, so children need to prioritize learning math first and then other exercises. This way, children will have a clear direction and start their work smoothly and effectively.

Make a specific daily schedule

To teach time management skills to children, parents should work with their children to create a schedule with activities to do during the day. Specifically, eating, sleeping, playing, watching TV, doing homework... must be planned and unified. This helps children form structure, live on time, and manage their time more effectively.

Prepare a memory notebook for your child

When teaching time management skills to children, parents should give their children a memory book to carry with them. Because children often forget easily and have many random ideas. Therefore, parents should teach their children to write down the things they need to do so they can arrange their time appropriately and control them more easily. Besides, parents can also encourage their children to use colorful notes and stickers to write down important tasks and stick them on easy-to-see places such as desks and wardrobes.

Teach children time management skills through interesting stories

Young children often like to listen to stories. Therefore, parents can teach time management skills to children through stories about time. Furthermore, reading stories to your baby every day also helps children relax, entertain, and expand their knowledge and language skills. Some familiar interesting stories with the theme of time that parents can tell their children are " Some days work makes iron ", " The tortoise and the hare "...

Parents are bright examples for children

Parents are role models and shining examples for children to follow. Because children often tend to imitate the words and behaviors of adults. Parents, please show your children that they have used time management effectively. Or share with your child lessons learned when not knowing how to organize work. When children listen to these stories, they will realize the importance of saving and managing time.

Teaching time management skills to children is extremely necessary. Although this is not simple, as long as parents are patient and always accompany their children, they can succeed.

With the above suggestions on teaching time management skills to children, hopefully parents will have the most appropriate teaching method for their children. Don't forget to follow Mykingdom's " Handbook " section to learn more useful articles.