The secret to teaching children effectively at home

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
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Children are often distracted and don't remember lessons for long. Many parents are looking for effective methods to teach their children to study with the hope that their children can improve their scores and develop their thinking. This article will share some effective measures as well as things parents need to pay attention to when teaching their children.

Teach your children how to plan and arrange their schedules properly

Just like adults, children also need to have a specific schedule when studying to optimize the effectiveness of learning in the shortest time. You can buy or make a desk calendar for your child, each box has space large enough for your child to write down what they need to do the next day before going to bed. Then at the end of the day, your child will check off what was and wasn't done and continue planning for the next day.

This effective way of teaching your child will be the foundation for your child to create a To do list later

With this method, children not only know how to organize their study time, but it also helps them be more self-aware and proactive in their learning. Parents still need to check their child's plan and remind them if they are distracted from their studies. If the child can arrange his or her time reasonably, parents can suggest and give specific examples to help the child better arrange time and goals for the next day.

It will be very difficult for children to get into a routine if they do not receive recognition and encouragement from their parents. In addition to compliments, parents should buy more toys that their children like, thereby giving them more goals to strive for.

Teach your child how to highlight important information

To teach children to learn effectively , parents first need to show their children which parts are important and which parts are secondary. Parents can buy their children highlighters with eye-catching colors, showing them which ideas to underline and why. This method will take a bit of time, but in return your child will remember it for a long time and at the same time practice the skill of finding the main idea.

Use a highlighter to mark important words in the lesson

When in class, some teachers will directly state the main idea of ​​the lesson when lecturing, causing the child's brain to passively receive information and not have time to think. Parents can teach their children to learn more effectively using the marking method, creating conditions for their children to think and make decisions.

Do homework with your child to teach them to learn more effectively

It can be said that homework is the best way to review knowledge. If parents have not yet created a specific home learning curriculum for their children, they can absolutely use homework as an effective way to teach their children to learn . You let your child do his homework based on the knowledge he has learned, then correct his mistakes and explain to him so he can understand the lesson better.

Note, to teach children to learn effectively , both parents and children must be in a comfortable and happy mood. If your child is angry or upset, you should not force him to study, this will only be counterproductive. At the same time, parents should talk and confide in their children to give them advice. In this way, the relationship between parents and children is also more open.

Doing homework with your child also helps parents better understand their child's current level

Encourage self-study and independent reading

Curiosity and imagination are two important factors that need to be focused on in developing children. You can encourage and create your child's interest in books. First, read books to your child with different intonations to help your child get involved in the story, then gradually let your child read more books.

While reading books, parents should ask questions about the details in the book to stimulate their children's thinking and ability to think in many aspects. For young children, books should have eye-catching images to attract them.

In addition, parents should become role models for their children in this journey of self-learning and reading. When children see that their parents are always happy when reading books and can use the knowledge in books in life, they will love learning more and more. At the same time, you also need to give some suggestions to help your child see the connection between the theory they learn at school and real-life problems, thereby cultivating their learning consciousness.

Children's self-learning ability will develop even more if they love reading

There are many effective ways to teach children to learn , but no matter which method they use, parents need to maintain a happy state every time they teach their children to learn. A class without pressure and filled with laughter will help your child learn better. In addition, parents can also use educational toys as an effective learning method. Children will develop many soft skills and logical thinking while playing and exploring on their own. To buy genuine toys, remember to go to Mykingdom immediately !