Let's teach your child to color with the simplest steps

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
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Coloring and drawing are subjects that support the development of color recognition ability and fine motor training. The process of teaching children to color will strengthen family bonds, helping everyone have fun moments together. Parents, do you know how to guide your children to color? Please refer to the following article.

How does the ability to practice drawing and coloring develop with age?

You need to determine your child's developmental ability at each stage to choose a teaching method, as well as the type of pen and coloring material suitable for your child.

Stage 12-18 months old

At this stage, children have mastered how to hold objects with their hands, and their hands are also strong enough to control small objects. At this time, parents can let their children get used to crayons to practice coloring. When just starting out, children can only draw squiggly lines, irregularly large and small dots or aimless arcs.

Parents should teach their children to color simple geometric shapes such as circles, squares or triangles. In just a few months, from the haphazard drawings, parents will see blocks of color and clear shapes appear on the page. Many children are sensitive to drawing and can even use colors to simulate the objects they see.

Period from 18-24 months of age

From 18 months old, children begin to know what they want to draw and simulate the things they want such as a puppy, a flower, a table... It may be a bit difficult to identify, but if parents recognize what their child is Expressed through innocent drawings on paper, your child will definitely be very happy.

To teach children to color at this stage, parents should support their children by taking them to get acquainted with nature and surrounding animals. When accompanying your child like this, you will suddenly realize that the things your child draws on paper are also objects that you have seen.

At this age, children can paint images in their memory

Period from 25-36 months of age

Babies at the age of 31-36 months can hold a crayon tightly when drawing. At the same time, your child will also begin to draw more complex lines, such as tree trunks or leaves. Parents should not worry too much if their child has not yet shown the ability to draw.

To teach your child to color better, what you need to do is let your child be free to do what he or she likes, not force him or her to learn to match the development of this stage. Parents, please show your children how to hold a pen and encourage them to draw first, then teach them more about how to color and draw things.

Stage 3-6 years old

By the time he was 3 years old, he could use crayons and draw pictures that parents could imagine. Most children at the age of 5 can learn how to draw horizontal and vertical lines as well as simple drawings such as houses, stick figures, trees... At this stage, children are proficient in coloring and painting. more purposeful.

Children can control what they want to color by the time they are 3 years old

From this stage onwards, parents can teach their children to color on more complex images or let them draw on white paper the people around them or their favorite animals to encourage their creativity.

The 12-step process of teaching children to color is extremely effective

What needs to be prepared before teaching children to color?

Parents should choose a location with enough light for their children to practice painting without harming their eyes. The seat must be comfortable and suitable for the baby's height. Do not choose a place with too many toys, TVs, computers, etc. around, your baby will easily get distracted and lose focus.

Children still cannot control their hand strength when coloring, so you need to prepare a thick enough pad of paper. This will help your child feel comfortable when drawing, without worrying about the paper being torn or the colors smudged.

Use appropriate wax and watercolor colors: You should choose high quality products that do not contain chemicals that are not suitable for children. Furthermore, you should buy a variety of colors so your child won't get bored after just a few times coloring.

The right and quality colors will help your child feel comfortable when coloring

12-step process teaches children to color properly

Step 1: Before teaching children to color, you should introduce colors to them. You can use a quiz format to help children remember the names of colors longer.

Step 2: Before the lesson, parents should create excitement for their children by talking to them. Ask children about their favorite coloring pages, for example: What color do you like best? What pictures do children like to color the most?

Step 3: Choose a coloring image appropriate to the child's age, ability and interests.

Step 4: For children who are new to coloring, parents need detailed instructions. For example: Do not paint outside the outline, how to paint light and dark...

Step 6: Observe how your child colors to make sure he or she focuses on the picture. If your child gets bored, encourage him with gentle words of encouragement or replace the picture with something more interesting.

Parents can also let their children color with friends to help them have more fun

Step 7: Guide and support children to complete the picture, creating a habit of completing work without giving up halfway.

Step 8: Teach children to express their own opinions about their paintings. Ask children how they see the picture, what was successful and what remained unachieved.

Step 9: Guide and suggest to children what to learn and the meaning in the pictures. Compare with previous pictures to help children realize which picture is better.

Step 10: Encourage children to respect their work, that is, respect what they have done.

Step 11: Clean up the coloring area and tools after completion. This helps children form neat and clean habits.

Step 12: Reward children with small gifts such as cakes, candy, toys, pens, etc. or simply a warm hug to let them understand that their parents pay attention to their efforts.

Teaching children to color early will bring many practical benefits such as increasing color recognition ability, children learning how to mix colors, developing soft skills, hand-eye coordination and enhancing concentration. central. With the companionship of parents, children can certainly improve themselves.