Teach children to learn the humanistic meaning of Halloween

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Dạy bé tìm hiểu ý nghĩa nhân văn của ngày Halloween


Halloween is a traditional festival of Western countries held on the night of October 31 every year. In Vietnam, Halloween festival was introduced in recent years and gradually became popular.

On Halloween, both adults and children will dress up as spooky images or their favorite characters. Besides, there are also many interesting and mysterious activities such as pumpkin carving, trick or treat, apple picking...

In the approaching Halloween atmosphere, parents should join their children to explore the legend and meaning of Halloween right here.

Legend of Halloween

According to Irish legend, once upon a time there was a guy named Jack who was greedy, stingy, and stingy. He doesn't play with anyone because he's afraid they'll look at his money and possessions. No one in the village wants to play with Jack.

Jack has a friend who often plays with him, a demon who oversees hell. One day, the demon was harassing and destroying the villagers and was captured by a magician. Jack discovered and found a way to free the devil. In return for saving his life, the devil promised not to take Jack's soul to Hell.

When Jack died, Jack's evil soul did not go to Heaven. Hell also won't let you in because of the devil's promise in the past. So Jack had to wander back to the cold earth.

The Devil felt sorry for him so he took some embers from Hell and put them in a hollowed out pumpkin and gave it to Jack. To keep the fire burning, Jack cut a few holes in the pumpkin. This fire warmed and illuminated Jack during his journey of wandering around the world.

Since then, the Irish have passed down this legend. The boy Jack Ha Tien was called Jack of the Lantern or Jack Lantern and finally Jack-O'Lantern.

Every Halloween, Irish people will carve out the intestines of round radishes or potatoes into the shape of a ghostly face to ward off evil spirits like Jack. When this festival was introduced to America, people began to use pumpkins to this day.

What does Halloween mean?

Educational significance of Halloween

From the Halloween legend mentioned above, parents can help their children understand the meaning of Halloween as follows:

- Don't be greedy, stingy, stingy.

- When living, people must have friends, neighbors, neighbors.

- Must know how to love and help people in difficulty.

- Life is a cycle, there is always giving and receiving.

- Don't play with the devil. Figuratively, demons are evil things that deceive, harm people, and make others afraid...

- Halloween legends also record the devil's gratitude and keeping his promise to Jack Ha Tien. Although keeping this promise left Jack in a lonely situation wandering among the people.

The humanistic meaning of Halloween

In addition to its educational significance, the legend of Halloween also has a profound humanistic meaning. Because after the mistakes he made while alive, Jack became a soul with no place to live, wandering around in the folk world.

And the Halloween ghost festival gave Jack a whole day to return. On this day, Jack can have fun with living people disguised as ghosts and devils. Thanks to that, Jack's soul also has a place to blend in, dispelling loneliness.

Meaning of Halloween symbols

Halloween festival colors

The traditional colors of Halloween are orange and black, symbolizing autumn and the harvest season. Specifically, orange symbolizes the harvest and leaves changing color, while black symbolizes the departure of summer and the change of seasons.

Dress up and ask for candy

This is a traditional custom of Western countries. On this day, people dress up as devils or their favorite characters. Children will knock on each door to ask for candy, otherwise they will create mischief and mischief.


Initially, the image of the witch symbolized wisdom, change and changing seasons. But gradually, witches were seen as crazy, cruel old women.


According to Celtic belief, pumpkin lanterns will illuminate lost souls to find their way home. People use pumpkins to carve faces in a spooky or mischievous, funny style.

Witch's broom

Since ancient times, witches have been thought of as old, poor people who must have the support of walking sticks. Later, the stick was replaced by a broom and became a familiar decoration at Halloween.


According to legend, if a bat flies into a house during Halloween, it is a sign of haunting.


Many people believe that spiders are also related to witches. And when a spider falls into a burning candle, there is a witch nearby.

Above are the meanings of Halloween. Hopefully it will help parents and children better understand the unique Halloween festival. To see more interesting articles, please follow the " Handbook " section of Mykingdom.