Tell moms 7 simple ways to teach babies to recognize colors

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Mách mẹ 7 cách dạy bé nhận biết màu sắc đơn giản


Scientific studies have shown that the period from 0-3 years old is the "golden period" for children. At this stage, children can absorb diverse knowledge the fastest and remember it for the longest time. Furthermore, the baby's need to learn and explore the world around him is very high.

Therefore, parents should not miss out on teaching their children new knowledge such as recognizing numbers, letters, colors... through daily fun activities. The article below will share with parents 7 interesting and useful ways to teach children to recognize colors .

Basic principles to teach children to recognize colors effectively

To teach children to recognize colors accurately and quickly, parents need to pay attention to the following principles:

- First, parents should teach children to recognize basic colors first, then secondary colors.

- Second, parents let the baby interact with and repeat each color many times so that the baby can remember it.

- Third, parents teach their children to recognize the colors of each specific color.

Top 7 effective ways to teach children to recognize colors

There are many ways to teach children to recognize colors . Below are 7 popular ways that many parents have applied successfully.

Teach your baby to recognize colors by identifying and repeating

It is very good for babies to recognize and distinguish colors early. However, parents should not be too impatient when their children cannot do as well as their peers. Spend time with your children, share with them more and make learning light and interesting.

When parents and children observe the world around them, describe things with adjectives that refer to specific colors. For example: "The yellow flower is so beautiful"; "This leaf is green"; "Today mom is wearing a pink shirt"... This very natural way of teaching children to recognize colors helps them learn gradually and remember longer.

Teach your baby to recognize colors with candy

Sweet, colorful candies always attract children. Therefore, parents should take advantage of them to teach children to recognize colors. With simple suggestions like "Please help me get a red candy", "Mom, give me a blue candy, please take it yourself."

In the beginning, your baby may be wrong or confused, so parents should not scold you but help them choose correctly. If your child chooses correctly, don't hesitate to praise and applaud your child. Surely this way of teaching children to recognize colors will create interest and help them learn quickly and be more sensitive to colors.

Teach your baby to recognize colors with toys

Through fun activities, children can also learn many useful things. Parents can use LEGO puzzles for their children or other colorful toys that their children like to teach them to recognize colors.

Specifically, parents and children build structures from Lego bricks of the same color. Or organize a race, see who can find the fastest bricks of the same color. Or choose a toy of any color, then let your baby find similar colors...

Teach your baby to recognize colors with food

Baby dishes are not only delicious but also delicious to the eyes. Parents can take advantage of the time preparing dinner or during the entire meal to teach their children to recognize colors .

A simple but effective way is to point out the color of the ingredients, vegetables or each dish and have your child repeat it. This method not only helps your baby recognize colors but also knows the shape and flavor of each dish.

Teach your child one color each week

Once your baby has recognized the basic colors, parents should teach one color a week so the baby can remember it longer. For example, in the first week, when parents teach the color red, try to introduce many red objects and animal toys to the baby. Next week, switch to blue and gradually switch to other colors in the following weeks so your baby doesn't get bored.

This way of teaching children to recognize colors is quite effective. Surely parents will be extremely surprised with the results their children achieve after a period of time.

Color together

Drawing toys and coloring wax boxes are always great choices for children to be creative and express their talents. This method also helps children increase their ability to concentrate and teaches them to recognize colors very well.

Parents should choose wax pens and markers with many different colors. Then, when your child colors on existing pictures or draws on white paper, name those colors so he can recognize and remember.

Show off your talent for finding objects of the same color

Another simple way to teach children to recognize colors that anyone can do is to let them find objects of the same color. Give your child the task of being a "detective" to find objects of the required color. For example, "Go find something red for mom." This will create excitement and stimulate children's ability to explore.

Young children are very sensitive to colors, so teaching them is not too difficult. Parents just need to be patient, spend time playing with their children as well as have a way to teach them to recognize colors that suit their interests and personality, and the results will be as expected.

At Mykingdom, each toy is carefully researched and designed to help children develop all senses, encourage children to actively play, be eager to learn and explore, always ensure absolute safety and promote Developing different aspects of children is encouraged by play, giving them a safe choice when promoting learning and development in children.

Come to your nearest Mykingdom store and visit the colorful booth of smart toys to effectively teach your baby to recognize colors ! For detailed information and how to order online, you can visit Mykingdom's website at: