Things children can do with parents to prepare for Lunar New Year 2021

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Những việc bé có thể làm cùng ba mẹ để chuẩn bị Tết Nguyên đán 2021


Tet is a long holiday for the whole family. Don't let your baby just hang around eating, sleeping or going out. Parents, please make a list of interesting activities to prepare for Lunar New Year 2021 with your children. It will definitely make your baby feel excited and feel the sacred meaning of Tet. Moreover, family relationships are more connected and leave many beautiful memories together.

Below are activities children can do with their parents to prepare for Lunar New Year 2021:

Renovate your house to prepare for Lunar New Year 2021

This is the familiar work of preparing for Lunar New Year 2021 for many Vietnamese families. Not only buying and replacing old appliances, many families also start painting and redecorating the house to welcome the new year.

Give your baby light tasks like painting the house with dad, carrying small items, etc. Your baby will feel excited to help their parents and have more memorable experiences.

Clean up toys and household items

The habit of cleaning up toys after playing is very good and needs to be maintained. Especially at the end of the year, families with young children often clean and tidy up household items as well as baby toys and baby's personal items...

Parents, please let your baby help clean and clean all kinds of toys every day. Then guide your child to arrange and classify toys such as LEGO assembly toys , transportation toys , etc. into each position so that they are neater and more eye-catching. Remember to praise promptly to make your baby feel excited and keep the house clean.

Go shopping with your baby for Tet

This is a preparation for Lunar New Year 2021 that children can do with their parents. Let's discuss together as a family and make a list of things to buy together for Tet. For children who are literate, parents should let their children take on the role of "secretary" recording items to buy.

In addition, taking your baby to the Tet market for shopping is also a great idea. This will give your child the opportunity to observe the world around them, interact with more people, and you can also teach your child calculation and shopping skills.

Buy beautiful clothes and new accessories for your baby

For children, Tet is an opportunity to wear many new clothes and unique accessories. Depending on personality and preferences, each child's dressing style will be different. Therefore, parents should let their children choose new clothes and cute accessories for themselves. You can give suggestions to help your child shape his or her age-appropriate style and become more adorable.

Besides, for older children, parents let them choose beautiful clothes, wash them, dry them and fold them neatly. The work to prepare for the 2021 Lunar New Year is quite light, suitable for your child's strength. Furthermore, this activity also trains children to be careful, meticulous and express their personality through the clothes they choose.

Help parents wrap cakes and make jam

Don't think that preparing for Lunar New Year 2021 is only for adults. On the contrary, children can completely participate with their parents. Even wrapping banh chung and making jam for Tet is the same.

The whole family can prepare the ingredients with the baby, make the filling, guide the baby to wrap their own lovely cakes... All of these things will help the baby have a wonderful experience, clearly feeling the taste. Traditional Tet of the nation.

Let your child work together in the kitchen and arrange Tet feasts

This is also an activity with a very clear Tet flavor that parents should let their children do together. Don't be afraid that your baby will get in the way of their hands and feet. Parents should create opportunities for them to join the kitchen and prepare the Tet feast. At the same time, share with your children the meaning of arranging the tray and introducing each dish. Although these things are small, they will help your child learn more useful lessons and understand the meaning of Tet.

Plan to have fun during Tet

Planning fun in advance will help the whole family enjoy the Tet season happily and fully. Specifically, parents can share with their children where they will go to celebrate Tet this Tet, what day they will travel for Tet... At the same time, teach their children how to wish Tet to grandparents, relatives, how to greet, how to receive Lucky money...

"Handling" a pile of Tet homework

As always, after going back to school after Tet, children often feel lethargic and tired. Therefore, parents should let their children "process" the Tet homework gradually during the time before Tet. During the last two days of the Tet holiday schedule, you should let your child "open his pen" at the beginning of spring so that he can easily catch up with his studies after Tet.

Above are the 2021 Lunar New Year preparations that parents can do with their children. Although simple, each task contains useful lessons. Not only do they help children explore the world and practice many necessary skills, these Tet activities also help children become more mature and feel the sacred meaning of the nation's traditional Tet holiday.

Mykingdom Toy Kingdom wishes everyone a meaningful and fulfilling Tet season.