What should parents do when their children do not get good grades at the end of the year?

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
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The fact that their children did not achieve excellent grades at the end of the year makes many parents sad and worried. Many parents also get angry with their children because their children's scores do not meet expectations, making them restless and worried at each parent-teacher meeting. In order not to affect the child's psychological health in their adult years, parents need to behave more appropriately every time their child's grades are not good.

Parents should stay calm when their children do not get good marks at the end of the year

Often, when seeing their children's poor scores, some parents tend to get upset and yell at them. This action has a negative impact on children's psychology. To avoid being scolded, many children will hide the next time they get a bad score. This will greatly affect the child's ability to improve academic performance, leading to not achieving good grades at the end of the year. Parents need to stay calm when faced with their children's poor academic results. The calm attitude of parents when their children do not get good marks at the end of the year also helps their children be more calm when encountering unwanted situations in the future.

Parents' calmness will lay a foundation of confidence for their children

Unexpected grades are something every student encounters. Only when they get bad grades will they remember the mistake for a long time and learn a lesson for themselves. Furthermore, going to school not only helps children develop academically, but also helps them learn thinking and social skills. Children who are good at art and physical education will have difficulty learning theoretical subjects well in class. Therefore, parents should forgive and accept their children's bad points.

Listen and find out the reason why your child did not get good grades at the end of the year

Communication is the key to building a strong relationship. Therefore, parents need to learn how to listen to their children. The reason why children do not achieve good grades at the end of the year sometimes does not come from subjective factors such as being lazy to study or not being motivated to study; which can come from objective reasons at the school such as teaching methods, not receiving proper attention or pressure from family that parents have not yet realized.

Scolding or beating won't change anything

Parents should pay attention and ask about the difficulties their children are facing, then find ways to solve and support them. It is important not to impose your thoughts on your children and think that the action is right and decide for yourself. If they do so, the child may be hurt and think that their parents do not understand them, thereby becoming irritable and upset. Long-term imposition will cause children to lose the ability to evaluate situations.

In addition to talking frankly and closely with their children, parents can also find out the reason why their children's academic performance is declining through their children's friends. The way parents show concern and listen will make their children feel secure and confident. Once children feel able to comfortably share their learning difficulties with family members, the pressure from family will more or less disappear and have a positive impact on academic performance.

Parents are their children's biggest supporters

A child's personality is formed through teaching from parents, school and surrounding environment. To create a stepping stone for children's academic achievement, parents need to create a positive mindset for their children and train them to think and act optimistically from an early age. Children who receive encouragement from their parents will dare to face challenges, dare to think and act, and can take responsibility for each of their actions.

Parents are my heroes, always there to encourage me when I need them

Students who live in a positive environment, with the companionship and encouragement of relatives, will become more confident on their educational path, quickly improving their academic achievements and results. Parents, don't hesitate to show mental encouragement and encourage your child to keep trying when they get good grades, and don't rush to criticize or get angry when your child doesn't get a good grade at the end of the year. In the process of educating children, maintaining mental stability, increasing confidence, and healthy development is the most important thing.

Parents' attitude is a decisive factor in children's academic achievement and development. Forcing and urging children to study may bring immediate results, but it will affect the relationship between parents and children, causing the child to become distant from the family. Apply the above methods when your child does not get a good grade at the end of the year , don't let the parent-teacher conference be a "nightmare". See more school supplies and other toys at Mykingdom website: https://www.mykingdom.com.vn/ to make school time more fun for your child!