Suggestions for a series of great IQ puzzles for children aged 3-5 years old

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Gợi ý loạt câu đố IQ cho trẻ từ 3-5 tuổi cực hay


To make your baby more intelligent and responsive, parents should expose their children to IQ puzzles for children aged 3-5 years old . Puzzles not only train the mind, but also help increase children's memory and reflexes.

Children aged 3-5 years are suitable for arithmetic puzzles

Children from 3 to 5 years old are in the stage of intellectual development and creative thinking. Your child will be suited to puzzles that contain simple arithmetic. This type of sentence will stimulate your child's sensitivity to numbers and calculation ability, while also laying the foundation for learning math when he grows up.

Let's take a look at some IQ puzzles for children 3-5 years old that contain arithmetic below:

  1. An apple and an orange are on a table, how many are there in total?

Answer: 2 fruits

  1. How many hours are there in a day?

Answer: 24 hours

  1. How many days are there in a week?

Answer: 7 days

  1. How many wheels does acar have?

Answer: 4 wheels

  1. Count from 1 to 10.

Answer: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

  1. How many legs does a table have?

Answer: 4 legs

  1. How many sides does a triangle have?

Answer: 3 sides

  1. A chicken lays 2 eggs, how many eggs do you have if you have 2 chickens?

Answer: 4 fruits

  1. A plant has 10 petals, if you take away 3 petals, how many are left?

Answer: 7 petals

  1. You have 30 apples and you give away 20. How many apples do you have left?

Answer: 10 results

Number puzzles will increase children's calculation ability from an early age

Some fun puzzles to train IQ for children 3-5 years old

IQ quizzes for children 3-5 years old can be more about memory. You can ask your child to memorize images, colors or objects... then arrange them in order or name them. Puzzles also help children recognize the differences between colors and types of objects in the home and at school. This type of IQ puzzle for children from 3-5 years old not only helps them become smarter, but also helps them have a preliminary view of the world around them. Parents can also teach their children more surrounding knowledge when they cannot solve the puzzle, this also effectively supports the development of IQ.

Question 1

What is the name of the flower used to blow rice?

Not born from rice but bear red branches?

=> Answer: Rice flower.

Question 2

Not ginger.

Which is very spicy, With fingers.

Wear red shirt? What is the fruit?

=> Answer: Chili.

Question 3

Having legs but not knowing how to walk

Has a flat surface for baby to sit on. What?

=> Answer: The chair.

Question 4

Toad skin covers chicken eggs

It's so fragrant that the whole family wants to eat it. What is the fruit?

=> Answer: Jackfruit.

Question 5

What animal doesn't like to eat rice?

But they eat fire, water, and coal

=> Answer: The ship.

Question 6

What is the result of holding on to feelings?

One heart is separate, who is more upset than the other?

=> Answer: Durian fruit.

Question 7

It's not an elephant, but it has a trunk.

When it's hot or when it's cold, I welcome it all. What is a quiz?

=> Answer: Kettle.

Question 8

Spring is nowhere to be seen.

Summer comes again and makes people sad? What is a quiz?

=> Answer: Cicada.

Question 9

From the clear blue water.

Rising up to warm the bright pink sunlight.

Blooming flowers beautify life.

Hearing the name of the enemy soldiers was startled and terrified?

What kind of tree is this?

=> Answer: Water lily plant.

Question 10

There are no workers on the shore.

Don't be afraid of deep rivers, don't be afraid of the sea?

=> Answer: Diver.

Question 11

My childhood was as sharp as a horn.

When he grew up, he took off his shirt halfway and threw it away.

The body is strangely tall.

Emerald green, eyes are hideous. What is that?

=> Answer: Bamboo tree.

Question 12

What holds the most water without getting any wet?

=> Answer: Map.

Question 13

Jam, candy, melon, onions, red couplets.

Yellow and peachy apricot, missing only you?

Guess what's missing?

=> Answer: Chung cake.

Question 14

Having legs but lying still.

Let someone stand or sit on top?

What is a quiz?

=> Answer: The chair.

Question 15

What flowers grow in mud?

But why does it never smell fishy?

=> Answer: Lotus.

Fun puzzles with new answers will make your baby excited

IQ quizzes for children from 3-5 years old in the form of situations

Finally, another type of IQ puzzle for children aged 3-5 years old that is very popular is logic puzzles. This type of puzzle requires children to reason and give reasonable explanations. In addition to asking questions in the form of a quiz, you can also ask real life situations.

Question 1: Should I go out to play without finishing my homework?

Answer: Should not.

Question 2: If there is only 1 apple, how can it be divided among 3 people?

Answer: Ask an adult to cut the apple into 3 parts

Question 3: What helps your child stay afloat when swimming?

Answer: Swimming float

Question 4: What do we need to paint?

Answer: Pen and paper

Question 5: There is a plate of oranges on the table. What should the child do if he wants to eat it?

Answer: Ask an adult for permission before eating

Children will need to reason a lot to answer situational questions

Your child will need to reason and give answers based on their own perspective, thereby helping to develop their IQ. Depending on the living environment and development process of each child, parents can create more appropriate situational questions.

Develop IQ and memory through songs

You can stimulate your child's memory, IQ and musical ability at the same time through the song What Fruit:

What fruit is so sour?

Please say that fruit

If you eat it, it will definitely be sour

Yes, yes, if it's sour, you can cook sour soup

What makes your skin so hard?

Please tell me that the egg

What happens to it when eaten?

It's okay to eat it and it will make you taller

How many shirts do you wear?

Please tell me that the firecracker

If you eat it, it will definitely be chewy

It's not tough, but it's deafening in both ears

What fruit is rolling around?

Please tell me that the ball

Why does the ball roll?

Because so many people's feet are kicking on the field

What fruit is full of thorns?

Please tell me that jackfruit

It must be painful to eat

No pain for a few days after

Which fruit is the biggest?

Please tell me that the earth

Not as big as a jackfruit

Bigger than the top of Thai Son mountain

What fruit is so sour?

Please say that fruit

If you eat it, it will definitely be sour

Yes, yes, if it's sour, you can cook sour soup

What makes your skin so hard?

Please tell me that the egg

What happens to it when eaten?

It's okay to eat it and it will make you taller

How many shirts do you wear?

Please tell me that the firecracker

If you eat it, it will definitely be chewy

It's not tough, but it's deafening in both ears

What fruit is rolling around?

Please tell me that the ball

Why does the ball roll?

Because so many people's feet are kicking on the field

What fruit is full of thorns?

Please tell me that jackfruit

It must be painful to eat

No pain for a few days after

Which fruit is the biggest?

Please tell me that the earth

Not as big as a jackfruit

Bigger than the top of Thai Son mountain.

Learning to sing while developing IQ, isn't it wonderful?

IQ puzzles for children 3-5 years old are great tools to develop children's intelligence and acumen. Hopefully with the puzzles suggested above, your baby and loved ones in the family will have fun and laugh out loud.