How to increase EQ naturally by taking your child to the following 4 places

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Cách tăng chỉ số EQ tự nhiên bằng cách đưa con đến 4 nơi sau


Parents are always looking for ways to increase their EQ with the hope that their children can adapt to all situations and have the ability to behave better. Below are 4 places you should take your children to help them develop their emotional quotient.

How to increase EQ by taking your child to the library

In fact, the library is not simply a place for people to read books, but also a community for learning and exchanging knowledge. Going to the library is a very effective way to increase your EQ . Children will have the opportunity to meet and communicate with other friends, guards, managers... here. Through this, your child will understand the differences when communicating with different people. Parents can encourage their children to participate in book fairs or book discussions in the library to help children practice communication skills, cooperate and create social relationships.

The library helps children make new friends and helps them develop many skills

The library is also a place where children can search and explore the world around them through reading books. By reading books, children have access to knowledge, information and diverse stories from around the world. This not only helps children expand their vocabulary and knowledge, but also helps them understand and empathize with the different situations and emotions that the characters in the book experience. Reading a lot of books is also a way to increase children's EQ and develop reading comprehension, logical thinking and creativity.

Going to the amusement park is also a way to increase your EQ?

In the rapidly developing world, many parents want their children to have a better future, so they register their children for one extra class after another. Expectations of children are good, but constant pressure can lead to unwanted consequences. For children to develop best, parents need to let their children experience and explore the world around them. If children only focus on studying and exams, they may miss out on fun moments and their childhood.

Children who are relaxed and study uniformly will develop better

Children's time spent playing and exploring nature is also a great way to increase their EQ . The play area is a paradise for children to relax and relieve stress. At the same time, children also have the opportunity to practice physical skills, improve health and enhance social interaction. Combining study and rest is a method to ensure balance in your child's life, helping them develop both IQ and EQ equally.

Take the children to visit the orphanage

Children have empathy within them but don't really understand what it is. Babies can cry when they see their friends cry, and will be sad if their mothers are not happy, because they can feel other people's emotions. Children are inherently very sensitive, parents need to develop this personality in a good direction by teaching their children to understand empathy and how to establish relationships with others through words and gestures.

Taking your child to an orphanage will help your child have compassion for others

The children in the orphanage will not receive the love and care of their parents. If you bring your children here to visit the children, they will realize how precious their parents' love is, and at the same time, they will also love the children who lack family affection even more. This way to increase your EQ will help your child become a kind person, care for others and appreciate the life in front of them more.

Frequently take your children on trips

When children travel, they have the opportunity to experience and learn about the culture, history, and geography of new places. Exposure to different people and cultures helps children understand and empathize with different values ​​and perspectives. This way to increase your EQ will focus on your ability to empathize, accept and respect diversity.

Traveling is also a great opportunity for children to learn how to get to know and communicate with local people and other tourists. Through this, children will develop excellent social skills and communicate more fluently than their peers. Furthermore, during outings, children may face challenges such as adapting to new environments and cultures. Parents need to accompany and guide their children to overcome these challenges, practicing the ability to manage emotions, patience and flexibility in thinking.

On the occasion of summer, please quickly let your children go on a trip

Above are 4 places to help your baby develop comprehensively in terms of emotional quotient. There are many ways to increase EQ , but not all ways are suitable for your child. Parents should base on their child's personality and interests to find the most suitable method. Refer to the article How to develop your child's EQ so they can excel to practice your child's EQ right at home!