How to train children's logical thinking through intellectual toys

06.06.2023   BTV dieu.tranthi
Cách rèn luyện tư duy logic cho trẻ thông qua đồ chơi trí tuệ


Toys are always the most popular entertainment method for children, helping children stay away from electronic devices and have a healthy childhood. But if parents only let their children play with normal toys, they accidentally miss out on their child's development potential. Exposing your child to intellectual toys not only helps them have fun but also lays the foundation for training children's logical thinking.

How do intellectual toys help children develop logical thinking?

Lego consists of many individual parts that need to be assembled together to create a beautiful product. Therefore, this toy is full of challenges and requires players to have logical thinking to complete. Assembling without any rules can take a lot of time to create the product, players need to think and calculate which pieces should be assembled into which parts.

Children's creativity is boundless, they can create many other shapes through just a single Lego set. However, Lego has many eye-catching colors, the pieces have the same shape and size but have many different colors in a Lego set. This is also a factor that helps train children's logical thinking, because if they do not grasp the rules of each part they want to assemble, the end result can be a Lego set with extremely messy colors. The most important point when training children's logical thinking is to choose age-appropriate toys. For children 3-5 years old, parents should not choose products with hundreds of details, the child will not be able to complete them on their own and they will quickly get bored.

As for the Rubik's Cube, this is a product that is purely logical, rotating based on emotions will not help your child complete it. Children need to learn the rules when rotating to bring the Rubik's cubes back to their original position. As children discover more and more accurate rotation methods, their logical thinking will also improve.

Besides Lego, parents are also role models for their children to learn logical thinking

During a child's growth process, parents are the people who learn the most from their personality to their thinking methods. Create difficult situations and handle them with your child to carefully correct them. Children will be allowed to ask and give their own opinions, parents need to patiently explain the reasons and guide their children to handle things logically so that their thinking can gradually form.

In addition, parents should participate in extracurricular activities with their children. Unexpected situations are always a challenge for children. Sometimes children will be confused and not know what to do. That's when your heroes appear, providing guidance and encouraging you to think for yourself to solve the problem. This is a great method to train children's logical thinking and other soft skills. Children will learn how to troubleshoot problems step by step, and also develop communication skills when they need help. other people.

Is reading fairy tales before bed also a method of training children's logical thinking? Indeed! In fairy tales, there are always many situations that prevent the main character from succeeding. When telling the story, parents can ask questions to help the child participate in the character's story, then guide the child to handle it. Everything is more logical. Don't forget to reward your child with a hug or a round of applause as they gradually understand more about how to solve problems based on logical thinking. A fairy tale every night helps children have more dreams for the future and also contributes to strengthening family bonds.

Benefits of training children's logical thinking

Logical thinking is the foundation for properly developing other skills. Children possessing logical thinking can think about problems multi-dimensionally and make decisions in the most positive direction. In particular, children's creativity is endless and always creates truly different things. When creativity comes with logic, those ideas are not only novel but also extremely effective. Every problem will be solved with completely new solutions.

Training children's logical thinking also helps enhance learning and memory. Children with logical thinking always tend to analyze and decompose complex problems, making them simpler and easier to handle. Children become more focused and can remember available information to solve problems. This excellent memory ability will be the foundation for your child to learn better in class, especially in Mathematics.

Logical thinking will be the foundation for children to develop communication skills. Your child clearly understands what he needs to say and how to convey it correctly. His speech will become increasingly coherent and clear, helping him to be confident when talking to others.

Training children's logical thinking early on will be the right path for children to become independent and confident when they grow up. Intellectual toys and parents' companionship will be the child's best guide.