Memory training is how people store and work with information in the brain. Whether children or adults, they need to use memory to study and work. Especially for young children, early memory training will help improve learning efficiency and productivity, while promoting creative thinking ability. However, enhancing children's memory ability is not an easy task. Let's learn about ways to train children's memory right below in this article.
Capture the time when children have the best memory
The time when children have the strongest memory is before going to bed and in the morning after waking up. This is also an ideal time for parents to apply memory training methods for children.
For example, before going to bed, parents can read books to their children, tell a fairy tale, read a poem or sing an appropriate song. For older children, parents can help them visualize, remember and organize the knowledge they have learned. Similarly, the morning after waking up is also the time when the brain has good memory ability. That's why children who study early in the morning will remember faster and better.
Eat right
Adequate and scientific nutrition will help improve children's health and memory, especially children from 5 to 12 years old. Parents should feed their children lots of foods containing lots of vitamin B6, thiamin, and Omega-3 fatty acids that are good for brain health. These substances are found in foods such as almonds, walnuts, blueberries, broccoli, green beans, eggs...
Ensure sleep for children
Sleep also plays an important role for children to have better memory. When children sleep early and get enough sleep, the brain rests and regenerates. Thanks to that, memory ability is enhanced. On the contrary, if a child has insomnia, the brain will function sluggishly and the child will easily forget. Therefore, parents should practice the habit of letting children go to bed early at 9 am and sleep straight to ensure health and train memory.
Maintain an optimistic and comfortable spirit
Children who are constantly worried and stressed will affect their ability to remember. Therefore, parents should keep their children optimistic and comfortable no matter the circumstances.
Let children listen and watch more
Conventional methods of teaching children to recognize, count and remember can easily make children feel bored. Instead, parents can play children's songs, appropriate programs or tell interactive stories with images, vivid storybooks... This will help children remember faster and longer.
Classification and association
Another effective way to train children's memory is to classify and make associations from objects and phenomena in everyday life. For example, if your baby likes cars, parents can introduce them to different types of buses, tankers, fire trucks, rescue vehicles...
Besides, instructing to name things according to specific topics or chains of association such as sunny, hot, wearing a hat, drinking water, wearing sunglasses... This will help children feel familiar and familiar. remember longer.
Stimulate children's visualization ability
Stimulating the ability to visualize is an effective way to train children's memory. Parents should encourage children to create mental images of what they hear or read. For example, when you tell your baby a fairy tale, let your child describe in detail what each character looks like. If your child cannot express it in words, he or she can draw it on paper. Thanks to that, children's imagination improves and their ability to remember through images is also enhanced.
Let children participate in memory games
Parents should let children participate in many games to practice concentration and improve memory. Some interesting games that parents should consider are building towers, castles, block drawing games, jigsaw puzzles, assembling LEGO models... Parents can play with their children or give them space to play. free. During these fun activities, children's imaginations can soar, they can express their own feelings, and improve their expression and problem-solving abilities.
Above are simple but effective ways to train children's memory. Parents can apply it right at home to help their children improve memory and develop thinking. Don't forget to follow Mykingdom's " Handbook " section to see many other useful articles.