Great tips for teaching children about gratitude to parents that should not be overlooked

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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Gratitude will help children sympathize, share with people around them and appreciate the value of life. A child who is nurtured with gratitude will grow up to be a happy person who knows how to treat others. However, children do not naturally have gratitude, but parents must teach this to their children from an early age.

According to Dr. Christine Carter at the University of California, " Gratitude is not a trait, it is a skill that can be learned just like playing soccer or learning a foreign language ." Therefore, parents can apply the ways to teach children gratitude suggested below.

Use a "gratitude board"

Gratitude boards are one of the interesting ways parents can apply to teach children gratitude. With a familiar learning drawing board or a blank wall in the house, your child records the good things he or she receives from people.

For example, " Today mom cooked me my favorite fried chicken ", " Dad bought me a new remote control car "... Although this is simple, it will help children perceive and remember the everyone's help for me. This is an extremely important first step in teaching your baby about gratitude .

Parents set an example for children

Young children learn very quickly through imitating adults. And the best way to teach children gratitude is to set an example for them. Therefore, parents should often say "thank you" when receiving help from others.

Besides, mentioning the topic of gratitude from small things like " How lucky we get to go play on such a beautiful sunny day today ", will help children feel appreciative of simple things. the most ordinary, ordinary things of life.

Tell stories about gratitude

Parents can collect stories about gratitude to tell their children. In addition to fairy tales, parents can tell true stories so that children can easily visualize and remember. For example, cleaning ladies keep the streets clean, police officers are responsible for protecting everyone's safety...

Teach your child to say thank you

This is also an effective way to teach children gratitude that many parents apply. Children can express gratitude to others with a thank you note, a thank you note, a picture or a lovely flower.

Know how to say "no" to children's requests

In addition to the basic needs in life, parents should consider their children's other needs and not meet them all. Because when children "get whatever they want", they will not know how to appreciate what they have. This affects children's nurturing of gratitude.

When you see that your child's request is unreasonable, parents should remember to gently explain why it is not possible. Only then will children understand and obediently listen.

Encourage children to do housework

Parents pampering their children and doing everything unintentionally makes children take things for granted. Instead, encourage children to share and help with housework depending on each child's age and ability. For example, setting out dishes for the whole family to eat, watering the plants, cleaning the table... This is not only a way to teach children gratitude but also to create an emotional bond between family members.

Helping others

Helping others is also a good way to teach children gratitude. Parents can help their children prepare unused items such as books, toys, and clothes to donate to people in difficult circumstances.

In addition, parents can also encourage their children to participate in social and charity activities of the school, neighborhood... This will help children feel the joy of knowing " giving ", not just giving. is to " receive" and at the same time foster kindness and kindness towards everyone.

Above are some interesting ways to teach children gratitude that parents can apply. Don't forget to follow Mykingdom's " Handbook " section to learn more useful articles.