Revealing how to teach traffic skills to children

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Bật mí cách dạy kỹ năng tham gia giao thông cho bé


Teaching traffic skills to children is one of the necessary tasks that parents should not ignore. This will help children learn many useful skills and knowledge. Furthermore, children will keep themselves safe when participating in traffic in real life.

Normally, traffic skills for children will be taught when children enter kindergarten. But parents can absolutely teach their children traffic skills from the following simple things:

Notes when teaching traffic skills to children

Explain to children general knowledge about traffic laws

Before teaching traffic skills to children, parents should explain to children general knowledge about traffic laws. This knowledge needs to be easy to understand and familiar, such as the meaning of basic traffic signs, regulations when walking, cycling, motorbike riding and how to handle each specific situation.

Through learning this knowledge, children will form awareness when participating in traffic, ensuring safety for themselves and others.

Teaching traffic skills needs to go hand in hand with reality

All theories must go hand in hand with reality. Therefore, when teaching traffic skills to children, parents must practice with their children. For example, when walking on the street with your child, parents explain to the child simple signs, instructions on how to cross the street... Parents can take real-life examples from passersby so that the child can easily visualize .

Teach children traffic skills with interesting games

Parents should buy transport toy sets, racing sets... so that their children can learn and play excitedly. Children can pretend to be a police officer to guide traffic participants. Besides, parents can also encourage their children to draw pictures of vehicles, learn songs or read stories about traffic topics to create interest in learning traffic laws.

Parents need to set an example for their children

Teaching traffic skills to children is only effective when each parent sets an example for their children to follow. Parents must strictly obey and obey traffic laws. If in front of children, parents run red lights or drive fast without wearing helmets, teaching traffic skills to children will no longer be valuable.

How to teach traffic skills to children

Teach children traffic skills when walking

Road transport is a popular form of transport. Therefore, when children are taught road traffic skills, they will have more useful knowledge to ensure their own safety:

- Walk on the sidewalk and right side of the road.

- Observe traffic lights for motorbikes and pedestrians.
- When crossing the street, your child must walk on the pedestrian lane, go on green lights, and stop on red lights.

- Do not run, jump, chase each other on the road, do not line up.

- Young children who cannot cross the street on their own must have help from an adult.

Teach children traffic skills when riding a bicycle

For children who already know how to use bicycles, parents should teach them traffic skills when riding a bicycle.

- In addition to a suitable children's bicycle, children need to be fully equipped with protective accessories such as helmets, hand and foot protectors, gloves, comfortable clothes that are not too loose...

- Check the condition of the bicycle before going out such as tires, neck, brakes... to ensure safety.

- Ride your bicycle on the right side of the road and stop on the right side.

- Always look before moving: left, right, front, back to ensure safety.

- Do not turn or change direction suddenly without looking or asking for directions.

- Need to obey traffic light signals: Green light must go, red light must stop. Do not enter prohibited or dangerous roads.

- When there is an obstacle ahead, ring the bell and give a warning signal.

- Drive carefully on crowded roads, residential areas, intersections, schools...

Teach children traffic skills when sitting in the car

When sitting in a car, parents should also teach their children traffic skills.

- Make sure to sit neatly and in the correct seat position.

- Wear seat belts while driving.

- Do not run, jump or climb in the car.

- Do not open the door and stick your arms, legs, or head outside.

- Only get off when the vehicle stops completely and follow the instructions of an adult.

Above is how to teach traffic skills to children when walking, cycling and driving. Teaching traffic skills to children is extremely important. Children not only gain useful knowledge but are also equipped with the necessary skills to protect themselves and those around them.

If parents are looking for transportation toys for their children, Mykingdom is the ideal choice. There are many vehicle model toys from famous brands such as Maisto , Siku , Bruder , Vecto , LEGO City ... with many attractive incentives. All toys are carefully researched and designed to be age-appropriate, ensuring they are educational and help children develop both their thinking and body.